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Where to watch "Betty en NY"

127. Episode 127
2019 - Season 1

126. Episode 126
2019 - Season 1

125. Episode 125
2019 - Season 1

124. Episode 124
2019 - Season 1

123. Episode 123
2019 - Season 1
Armando y Betty logran vencer todos los obstáculos y unen sus vidas para formar una familia y hacer realidad su sueño de amor.

122. Episode 122
2019 - Season 1
Desesperado por evitar que Betty se vaya con Joaquín para siempre, Armando la sigue al aeropuerto y en el camino sufre un accidente.

121. Episode 121
2019 - Season 1
Armando llega justo a tiempo para impedir que su ex mejor amigo viole a su prometida. Los dos se van a los golpes y en medio de la pelea, Ricardo le grita que Marcela fue su amante.

120. Episode 120
2019 - Season 1
Marcela maltrata a Ricardo y le dice que él nunca será como Armando. Harto de todos en V&M, él decide seguir el consejo de Malú y actúa a espaldas de los demás.

119. Episode 119
2019 - Season 1
Al escuchar que Betty ya no lo ama y que ha decidido seguir con su vida, Armando entiende que nadie lo va a querer como Marcela y le pide matrimonio de nuevo.

118. Episode 118
2019 - Season 1
Betty y Armando se encuentran en el elevador y él le hace preguntas sarcásticas sobre lo que ocurrió con Joaquín en su hotel la noche anterior.

117. Episode 117
2019 - Season 1
Betty está a punto de bajar la guardia, pero descubre que Armando ha cometido un error imperdonable y toma una decisión que hará que él lamente profundamente sus hechos.

116. Episode 116
2019 - Season 1
Armando no soporta el dolor que siente en su alma y para aliviar su despecho va a un bar con Giovas y Nicolás. Ahí, se pasan de copas y buscan problemas.

115. Episode 115
2019 - Season 1
Una amenaza de Armando no es suficiente para que Joaquín desista en su conquista por Betty. El diseñador deja claro que no piensa despegarse de la mujer que lo inspira.

114. Episode 114
2019 - Season 1
Betty invita a Joaquín a su casa para una cena especial con sus padres y se asombran cuando de repente llega una persona inesperada.

113. Episode 113
2019 - Season 1
Armando logra leer el diario de Betty, donde ella narra las penas y alegría que vivió a su lado. Él está decidido a luchar por ella, pero tendrá que enfrentar un nuevo reto.

112. Episode 112
2019 - Season 1
Armando sigue siendo interrogado por el detective, quien analiza todas las pistas disponibles para determinar su inocencia. Sólo un milagro lo puede ayudar.

111. Episode 111
2019 - Season 1
Daniel denuncia a Armando por amenazarlo de muerte y la policía se lo lleva detenido, después que todas las pruebas lo inculpan.

110. Episode 110
2019 - Season 1
Daniel recibe un disparo cuando discute con Armando en Central Park. En el hospital, al salir del peligro, él da el nombre de la única persona que lo quiere muerto.

109. Episode 109
2019 - Season 1
Armando confirma que Daniel está detrás del robo de la colección de Hugo y no puede contener la ira. El mundo del diseñador de V&M se derrumba al descubrir el engaño de Fabio y Romina.

108. Episode 108
2019 - Season 1
Betty reúne a la Junta Directiva y le comunica su próximo plan de negocios, dejando a todos aterrorizados.

107. Episode 107
2019 - Season 1
Marcela no está dispuesta a dejarle el camino libre a Betty con Armando y trama un plan. Le pide ayuda a su mejor amiga en su objetivo de alejarlos.

106. Episode 106
2019 - Season 1
Marcela enfurece y renuncia a V&M, al saber que la persona que le robó el amor de Armando será la nueva presidenta. Betty la confronta y le hace una promesa a cambio de que se quede.

105. Episode 105
2019 - Season 1
Armando se aparece en casa de Betty para pedirle que lo perdone y que acepte la presidencia. Ella intenta despreciarlo, pero un dulce abrazo la hace cambiar.

104. Episode 104
2019 - Season 1
Roberto renuncia a su cargo como presidente y elige a la persona más indicada para dirigir su empresa. Todos quedan impactados al ver de quién se trata.

103. Episode 103
2019 - Season 1
Después que el abogado le informa que están cerca de perder la empresa, Roberto no tiene otra alternativa que buscar a la única persona que lo puede ayudar, para sacar a V&M de la quiebra.

102. Episode 102
2019 - Season 1
Demetrio se decepciona al descubrir la gravedad del fraude que cometió su hija en V&M. Disgustado, le pide explicaciones a Betty y quiere que dé la cara. Marcela sigue manipulando a Armando.

101. Episode 101
2019 - Season 1
Julia sufre un infarto, después que Daniel la amenaza a ella y a Demetrio de mandar a su hija a la cárcel. Betty va a NY de emergencia para estar al lado de su madre.

100. La nueva Betty
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La transformación de Betty es ilimitada.

99. Perder la cabeza
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Marcela toma una drástica decisión.

98. La verdad duele
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Marcela le suplica a Armando.

97. Episode #1.97
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Armando decides to fight for Betty although he has to confront the person in his way. Efraín plans to sue the city of New York.

96. Episode #1.96
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Armando gets to Miami and finds out that another man is trying to win Betty's heart. Nicolás has good news. Marcela complains to Catalina.

95. Episode #1.95
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The detective takes pictures of Betty in Miami and Armando can't believe it. Ricardo intervenes in a fight and Sofía takes Efraín home.

94. Episode #1.94
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Daniel does everything he can to hide evidence of his crime. Nicolás becomes the most powerful person at V&M and Jenny tries to seduce him.

93. Episode #1.93
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Rumor has it that Betty and her family have fled and Armando hires a PI to find out where they've gone. Daniel is in big trouble.

92. Episode #1.92
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The partners accuse Betty of running the business into the ground and insist she use her own money to save it. Beatriz has a visitor; Romina has news.

91. Episode #1.91
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Julia's fears are proven true when she reads Betty's diary and she confronts Armando. Nicolás starts to work at V&M. Efraín wakes up with amnesia.

90. Episode #1.90
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Marcela wants Armando to feel her pain and confesses to him. Betty is surprised when she meets Joaquín de Quiroz. María Lucía threatens her brother.

89. Episode #1.89
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Roberto makes an offer Nicolás can't refuse and threatens him with jail if he does. Efraín has an accident, and Inesita is annoyed with Hugo.

88. Episode #1.88
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Betty arrives in Miami to start over, but she has a confession to make before working with Catalina. Hugo learns that his designs were copied.

87. Episode #1.87
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Armando searches for Betty to ask for her forgiveness, but he's too late. Marcela tries to ally with Daniel; Margarita learns who her son's lover is.

86. Episode #1.86
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Marcela can't believe that someone like Betty was Armando's mistress, until she sees the evidence. A new CEO is chosen.

85. Episode #1.85
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Betty decides to end her nightmare at V&M, but she gives the financial report to shareholders before leaving. Daniel confirms his suspicions.

84. Episode #1.84
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Patricia finds a critical clue in the middle of a night of passion. Daniel can uncover who's really behind V&M, and Cindy finds the proof she needs.

83. Episode #1.83
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Armando and Nicolás run into each other at the hospital and tensions run high. Marcela gloats over her victory; Margarita threatens her son.

82. Episode #1.82
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Margarita wants to know who her son's lover is no matter what, and looks for the only person who knows. Catalina asks Demetrio for tax help.

81. Episode #1.81
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Armando decides to talk to Marcela about their engagement, but something unexpected happens. Margarita pretends to faint after her son's confession.

80. Episode #1.80
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Nicolás' actions to defend his best friend surprise everyone, including Betty. Armando reacts quickly, and Marcela is confused.

79. Episode #1.79
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Ricardo panics and lays a trap for Betty. María Lucía returns to New York and wants to work at V&M. Patricia takes Nicolás to her apartment.

78. Episode #1.78
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Armando confesses to his best friend about his wedding to Marcela. Patricia wins Nicolás over. Betty gives her father the BAR money.

77. Episode #1.77
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Armando waits anxiously for Betty, but someone arrives before her and ruins the moment. Nicolás and his best friend buy a luxury car.

76. Episode #1.76
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Betty lets Armando think that she does not know what he's up to. Daniel has a new spy at V&M. Sandra is exposed, and Patricia accuses El Pelotón.

75. Episode #1.75
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Nicolás plots his revenge after learning that his friend was used. Patricia makes a fool out of herself and El Pelotón savors his victory.

74. Episode #1.74
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Betty's world falls apart when she sees a video. Nicolás consoles his best friend. Armando is worried and searches for his assistant.

73. Episode #1.73
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Marcela realizes that Armando has changed and gives him time to think about whether he wants to get married. Catalina questions Betty.

72. Episode #1.72
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Catalina sees Betty and Armando in a compromising situation. Mariana sees Betty's future and is shocked. Romina continues her plan against Inesita.

71. Episode #1.71
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Cindy flirts with Ricardo and makes Marcela jealous. Armando and Betty have a romantic night and she decides to fight for him.

70. Episode #1.70
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Afraid that Armando isn't satisfying her in bed because of his lover, Marcela approaches Betty. Mariana and Sandra find nudes on Ricardo's computer.

69. Episode #1.69
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Marcela falls prey to temptation after going back to V&M and someone sees everything. Armando finds out Daniel's secret. Bertha has surgery.

68. Episode #1.68
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Ricardo blames Armando for hurting Marcela while Sofía and Efraín face off in court. El Pelotón meets Charlie, and Julia questions her daughter.

67. Episode #1.67
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Armando knows that Daniel is trying everything to get him out of the way. Julia finds Betty's birth control. Sofía prepares for her divorce hearing.

66. Episode #1.66
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Daniel takes advantage of his sister's state of mind and takes control of V&M. Fabio manipulates Hugo, and Efraín questions his children's paternity.

65. Episode #1.65
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Hugo sees Armando go into Betty's room. Sparks fly between Ricardo and Marcela. Inesita surprises Fabio and Romina. Efraín becomes jealous.

64. Episode #1.64
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Marcela is sick of Armando's excuses and threatens to cancel the wedding. Hugo hires Romina as an assistant. Sofía is caught with someone by her son.

63. Episode #1.63
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Ricardo betrays his best friend and has to lie to people who love him. El Pelotón threatens Patricia. Betty ruins Nicolás' date.

62. Episode #1.62
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Marcela invites Ricardo to a bar after Armando scorns her. Betty has a plan to save the company. Nicolás asks Patricia out. Jenny comes back to V&M.

61. Episode #1.61
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V&M loses a big opportunity because of Marcela, who accuses a model of trying to steal Armando. Efraín receives a court summons. Nicolás makes plans.

60. Episode #1.60
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Julia suspects that her daughter is in love and corners Betty to ask. A compromising photo appears on social media. Sofía makes a definitive decision.

59. Episode #1.59
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Armando fights his true feelings for Betty. Patricia gets to the Rincón house. Nicolás fights with his best friend. Sofía faints.

58. Episode #1.58
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Everyone thinks Betty and Armando have disappeared. Fabio gets bad news, and Sandra drinks too much because of Wilson. Jenny plots her revenge.

57. Episode #1.57
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Betty and Armando take refuge in a cabin when their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Jenny doesn't have proof against Sofía.

56. Episode #1.56
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Armando buys a special gift but it falls into the wrong hands. Nicolás faces Daniel's threats. Catalina has good news for Marcela.

55. Episode #1.55
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Betty's attitude gives Armando the shock of his life. Jenny is the new catalog model and Sofía explodes in fury.

54. Episode #1.54
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Patricia and Marcela are about to find what they're looking for but they get into trouble. Armando and Betty go to a motel.

53. Episode #1.53
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Marcela is on the trail of Armando's mistress. Betty gets a very odd birthday gift, and Demetrio figures out his daughter has a boyfriend.

52. Un poema de amor
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51. Episode #1.51
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Aura María lends Betty an erotic novel. Nicolás gives Patricia a gift and she gets him to agree to a date. Bertha gets a surprise from her husband.

50. Episode #1.50
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Betty is unhappy about things with Armando but he has a plan. Bertha looks for evidence about her husband, and Ricardo is more attracted to Marcela.

49. Episode #1.49
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Everyone at V&M learns that Betty's boyfriend invited El Pelotón to a restaurant. Armando doesn't want them to think it was Nicolás instead of him.

48. Episode #1.48
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Armando risks his life to protect Betty. Charlie makes an offer to Sofía and Mr. Smith gives him another chance. Patricia proves something.

47. Episode #1.47
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Betty wants to look pretty and goes to a hair salon for a makeover. Jenny irritates Sofía. Julia is suspicious of her daughter.

46. In fraganti
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45. Secuestro por amor
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44. El despecho
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43. Un amor fugaz
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42. Grito a los cuatro vientos
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41. La primera cita
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40. Enamorar a la más fea
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39. Develan el misterio
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38. La incertidumbre
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37. Los chismes vuelan
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36. En evidencia
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35. Una mala racha
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34. Episode #1.34
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Bertha takes Patricia to the hospital after she falls. Frank goes to Betty's house; there's a robbery in Hugo's apartment. Catalina plans the next show.

33. Episode #1.33
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Out of options, Armando gives up the family business when the banks demand their money. Patricia wants to get pregnant; Hugo is irritated with Romina.

32. Episode #1.32
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Betty's father thinks she is being taken advantage of and has concerns about her responsibilities. Meanwhile, Bertha promises to unmask Patricia.

31. Episode #1.31
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After learning about Betty's feelings, Armando thinks of her constantly and has a strange dream. Bertha follows Patricia. Inés steps in for Jenny.

30. Episode #1.30
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Vanessa waits for Armando after the successful runway show. Marcela gets jealous and looks for them everywhere. V&M is about to go bankrupt.

29. Episode #1.29
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Armando is seduced by Vanessa's charms and things get tense when Marcela and Betty show up. Ricardo and Daniel fall into Patricia's trap.

28. Episode #1.28
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Vanessa Palacios arrives at V&M and has her eye on Armando. Marcela and Betty are dying of jealousy. Ricardo and Daniel learn they will be fathers.

27. Episode #1.27
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Bertha confirms her suspicions after eavesdropping on Patricia. Armando has to choose between paying for fabric or paying the employees' salaries.

26. Episode #1.26
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Marcela dreams of getting married and starts planning her perfect wedding, but she's puzzled by what her fiancé thinks. Patricia is nauseated.

25. Episode #1.25
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Armando's life is a mess and he decides to resign, but a miracle could change things. Sofía's plan fails and Hugo and Fabio's wedding approaches.

24. Episode #1.24
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Betty makes a startling decision after Armando's mistakes. Hugo finds Fabio with someone, while Nicolás pretends to be Jordan Branch.

23. Episode #1.23
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Armando and Ricardo ignore Betty and act impulsively. Daniel demands to see the company's financial statements, and Patricia has a twin.

22. Episode #1.22
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When Hugo declares war on Betty, Marcela mocks her. Patricia reluctantly shops at a discount store, Sofía devises a plan, and Ricardo has good news.

21. El descubrimiento
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20. La nueva dueña
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19. Episode #1.19
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Betty is falling in love with Armando. To get him out of her head, she goes out with Aura María. Hugo deludes himself about his wedding.

18. Episode #1.18
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Betty becomes sad when she sees something on TV. Ricardo realizes how uncomfortable he is and finds out a secret. Aura María and Patricia argue.

17. Episode #1.17
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His hands tied, Armando makes a drastic decision that could cause him to lose the family business. Meanwhile, Hugo returns to the company.

16. Episode #1.16
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Hugo goes crazy when he finds out that his work ended up in a discount store. Armando and Marcela come back to New York; BAR Fashions turns a profit.

15. Episode #1.15
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Betty's first day as boss is a mess and she has to make an important decision that puts V&M's future at risk. Ricardo gets into trouble.

14. Episode #1.14
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All of the V&M managers go to Miami and Armando leaves Betty in charge, but Marcela humiliates her. Daniel blackmails a buyer.

13. Episode #1.13
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Armando launches his first luxury collection with low-quality fabrics, thinking no one will notice. Hugo and Marcela quit; Daniel gets good news.

12. Episode #1.12
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Armando is focused on keeping V&M moving and forms a parallel business in case the collection is a failure. Nicolás invests in the stock market.

11. Episode #1.11
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Daniel has what he needs to take Armando down, and accuses Betty of being a con artist. The CEO of V&M makes a surprising decision.

10. Episode #1.10
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The CEO of Fabrics by Me offers Betty a lot of money if she convinces Armando to invest in his business. Sandra has a secret. Patricia receives money.

9. Episode #1.9
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Armando knows Daniel is behind the computer damage but now he wants to know who helped him. Meanwhile, Betty gets a promotion.

8. Episode #1.8
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Armando gets into trouble and asks Betty to do his dirty work. Sofía is under arrest, and Betty falls into a trap laid by Patricia, Mata and Rony.

7. Episode #1.7
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Armando likes Betty's work and wants to show his appreciation. Hugo introduces his boyfriend. Patricia and Mata plan to steal Betty's computer.

6. Episode #1.6
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Nacho declares his love for Betty, but she's disappointed when she discovers his true intentions. Armando tricks Hugo and Patricia allies with Mata.

5. Episode #1.5
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After her success with the board, Daniel is impressed with Betty's skills and he makes her an offer. Armando learns that his business plan is flawed.

4. Episode #1.4
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Armando asks Betty to fix his business plan, but she uses the opportunity to suggest that Patricia do it. Ricardo has a passionate night.

3. Episode #1.3
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After Betty comes back to work, Patricia tries to get her out of the way. Marcela gets a surprise while Daniel sabotages an order for V&M.

2. Episode #1.2
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Betty starts her first day off on the wrong foot when Armando's girlfriend Marcela explodes after learning that she helped her fiancé lie.

1. Episode #1.1
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Armando takes over from his father as CEO and needs a secretary. He is shocked to realize that the woman he chose is not what he expected.