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Where to watch "Benched: Una abogada en apuros"

12. Brief Encounters
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After secretly reuniting with Trent, Nina realizes she has some hard choices to make, especially when Phil unintentionally steps up to the plate. Meanwhile, Phil is forced to take a look at his own relationships when Morris calls out his glibness.

11. Campaign Contributions
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When the news breaks that Phil is on the shortlist for Public Defender of the Year, Nina insists on helping him win, despite the fact that he thinks the award is silly. Meanwhile, Trent brings his 10-year-old “Little Brother” Walter to court for the week.

10. Solitary Refinement
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Nina runs into an old friend, Francine, who asks Nina to set her up with Phil. When they hit it off, Francine returns the favor by setting Nina up on an ill-fated double date. Meanwhile, a female judge takes a liking to Carlos, but Carlos becomes worried that all her attention is crossing a line.

9. A New Development
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When Nina discovers that Trent and the DA’s office are involved in a plot to arrest the city’s homeless, Nina struggles with her priorities: should she protect justice, Trent, or her own reputation. Meanwhile, Cheryl whose terrible record has left her on thin ice with the new boss, turns to Nina for help.

8. Diamond Is A Girl's Worst Friend
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Nina is assigned one of Phil’s old defendants and makes a bet with Phil that she’ll fix what he couldn’t and get the guy out of the court system once and for all. Meanwhile, after Micah criticizes Phil and Carlos’s performance in court, they decide to teach her a lesson and give her a case of her own.

7. Curry Favor
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Feeling like her coworkers don't "get" her, Nina finds a new friend in Edie, spunky forensics analyst. However, Nina’s new friend takes the meaning of loyalty too far. Meanwhile, Carlos needs to crash with Phil for a few days and gets a worrisome glimpse into his life.

6. Rights & Wrongs
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When Nina’s refusal to lose cases to her ex-fiancé Trent starts clogging up the court system, she’s forced to accept that in this world compromising isn’t losing –it’s a fact of life. Meanwhile, Carlos gives up smoking and the gang worries about his ability to de-stress without that vice.

5. Shark, Actually
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Nina begins to worry that she’s being played by the high powered and highly attractive private defense lawyer assigned to her case. Meanwhile, after a cute stenographer rejects Phil’s advances—claiming he’s immature—he decides to prove her wrong by becoming more “serious” on the job.

4. Sell It
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After Nina argues her first jury trial, she realizes that she may need a crash course in how to influence jurors and win friends. Meanwhile, Phil and Trent struggle as they face off in front of a curmudgeonly judge.

3. Hooked & Booked
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Phil tricks Nina into believing that all of the public defenders voluntarily go to jail to better understand their clients. She learns what lengths she’ll go to be a part of the gang. Meanwhile, Phil and Boring Larry take Carlos out for a night on the town to get his mind off his sorrows.

2. Downsizing
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Nina learns about an upcoming gala where wealthy corporate lawyers honor the public defenders. Desperate to be accepted back into her former corporate world, Nina gives a speech in an attempt to impress her old colleagues. It doesn’t go according to plan. Meanwhile the rest of the gang struggles to fit in at the fancy event.

1. Pilot
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Distinguished corporate lawyer Nina Whitley has given up everything in her climb to the top. However, when she’s passed over for a coveted promotion and discovers that her fiancé Trent is now engaged to another woman—Nina has an epic meltdown. Now, shunned from the corporate world, the only place Nina can get a job is at the Public Defender’s office.