8. Pakistan: On the Frontlines
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Extremist violence affects the female population in Pakistan; women respond with positive change.

7. USA: Assault in the Military
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Sexual assault affects women disproportionately in the U.S. military.

6. El Salvador: Femicide
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Every year, hundreds of women in El Salvador are being murdered just because they are women.

5. USA: Mothers Behind Bars
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Women in the the U.S. prison system.

4. Zambia: Child Brides
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We follow a 14-year-old Zambian girl through a pre-wedding ritual before she marries a 48-year-old man, and we learn how child marriage threatens the entire region.

3. Canada: The Missing First Nations
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Woman Explores reasons why The First Nations women of Canada are being murdered at an alarming rate.

2. Colombia: The Women of FARC
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In Colombia, current and former female FARC soldiers look to be reintegrated into society.

1. DRC: Rape as a Weapon of War
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The rape of local women has become a routine military tactic.