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Where to watch "UFO Files"

14. Alien Hunters
2007 - Season 3

13. UFOs of the 70's
2007 - Season 3
UFO sightings during the 1970s. November 2, 1971; Delphos, Kansas, USA-16 year old Ronny Johnson sees an object just a few feet off the ground. When it flies off there is a glowing ring left behind on the ground. September 1, 1974; Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada-Farmer Edwin Furr sees a metallic bell shaped object hovering close to the ground in his field. While backing off to get away he realizes there are four other objects doing the exact same thing. October 8, 1978; Cato, Missouri, USA-A grandmother and her grandson see an object sitting in a field about 180 feet from their home. Believing it is a piece of metal debris blown in by a storm they call family to help move it, only to be surprised when it jumps 10 feet in the air when they approach it. August 27, 1979; Warren, Minnesota, USA-Deputy Val Johnson's patrol car is struck by a glowing object flying toward him at unbelievable speed. May 30, 1978-Tim Collins has an encounter with a UFO and 20 years later a X-ray see a small metal foreigner object imbedded deep in his body. August 25, 1974; Coyame, Mexico-An unknown object is spotted by radar moving across the Gulf of Mexico toward Corpus Christi, Texas, but it turns south over Mexico and collides with a small plane. The Mexican military sends a recovery team that reportedly find both the civilian plane and a UFO. December 21, 1978; Wellington, New Zealand-An Australian TV crew tries to film UFOs spotted just days before by cargo plane pilots flying between New Zealand and Australia.

12. Hangar 18: The UFO Warehouse
2006 - Season 3
UFO crashes stored and studied at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.

11. The Pacific Bermuda Triangle
2006 - Season 3
Hundreds of ships, planes and submarines vanish off the coast of Japan.

10. Black Box UFO Secrets
2006 - Season 3
Black-box recordings from commercial airline flights; astronaut reports.

9. An Alien History of Planet Earth
2006 - Season 3

8. Deep Sea UFOs: Red Alert
2006 - Season 3
The little-known phenomena of USOs: Unidentified Submerged Objects.

7. UFOs vs. The Government
2006 - Season 3

6. UFO's of the 70's
No release date yet
The 1970s were one of the most active periods of UFO sightings. The most famous sightings of the decade are recalled and up-to-date information on the closest of encounters.

5. Canada's Roswell
2006 - Season 3
UFO sightings in 1967 Nova Scotia.

4. Hangar 18: The UFO Warehouse
No release date yet
What happens when a UFO crashes? Some experts claim that the UFO wreckage and even the pilots are transported to a top-secret facility in Dayton, Ohio called "Hangar 18".

3. The Pacific Bermuda Triangle
No release date yet
While the Bermuda Triangle is a well-known area of strange phenomenon in the Atlantic, there is another, more treacherous triangle in the Pacific off the coast of Japan.

2. Deep Sea UFOs
2006 - Season 3
The little-known phenomena of USOs: Unidentified Submerged Objects.