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Where to watch "Police Women of Broward County"
13. This Too Shall Pass
2011 - Season 2
A barber student tries to sell marijuana; a pregnant runaway; wanted for stealing cars; on the case of a hotel maintenance man.
12. These Are Somebody Else's Pants
2011 - Season 2
Andrea prevents a suspected crack-dealer from fleeing the takedown scene. Shelunda goes on a scavenger hunt throughout an apartment complex. Erika joins a high-speed chase when a suspicious car refuses to stop. Julie plays house with fellow detectives.
11. We Got a Drama Queen
2011 - Season 2
Shelunda meets an intoxicated beligerant woman in serious need of a restroom. Andrea busts a pothouse. Erika administers a dose of common sense to a woman. A suspect spots hidden surveillance equipment during Julie's undercover prostitution sting
10. Tore Up From the Floor Up
2011 - Season 2
Andrea chases a car after it strikes her parked police vehicle and flees. Erika arrests a man wanted for trafficking in oxycodone. Shelunda helps take down suspects during an prostitution sting. Julie employs the help of Broward's Robbery detectives.
9. These Are Not Cookies
2011 - Season 2
Andrea takes down a suspected prescription pill dealer. Shelunda encounters a trio of drunken revelers. Erika trades in her badge for a pair of short-shorts and goes undercover as a prostitute. Julie searches for the truth behind an alleged rape case.
8. You're My Kind of Woman
2011 - Season 2
Andrea joins forces with SWAT to stake-out, bust-in, and take-down a suspected cocaine dealer. Shelunda answers a complaint for a drunk roommate. Erika spots a man wanted on a felony warrant. Julie dons a red wig and takes down sex solicitors.
7. You Can't Karate Chop a Car
2011 - Season 2
Erika must draw her taser and chase down a man suspected of starting fires. Andrea finds a human trafficking victim at the heart of an immigration sting. Julie stops a reckless bicyclist and teaches him to yield.Shelunda assists in an undercover buy bust.
6. Early Bird Gets the Worm
2011 - Season 2
Andrea chases down a fleeing suspect who leads her team straight to a fully stocked drug house....
5. Best Mom Out Here
2011 - Season 2
Andrea participates in a drug sting that gets complicated when two suspected dealers show up at...
4. A Surprise Party With Guns!
2011 - Season 2
Andrea chases down a mouthy suspect in an elaborate drug bust. Shelunda gets called to a wacky...
3. Girl cops rule
2011 - Season 2
Andrea's takedown of a suspected drug dealer becomes a game of hide-and-go-seek. Erika races to...
2. A 50,000 volt mistake
2011 - Season 2
An unruly bystander will not cooperate with Andrea. Shelunda investigates a mysterious man in a...
1. Justice Has Been Served
2011 - Season 2
Andrea busts a suspected drug dealer who brings his toddler daughter with him; Erika races to a...