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Where to watch "Parade’s End – Der letzte Gentleman"

6. Un fauteuil près du feu
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Valentine reçoit une carte d’anniversaire… d’Edward. Elle dévoile à sa mère son amour pour Christopher. Celui-ci est de retour sur le front. Il découvre le 6ème bataillon de Glamorgan (« les Potes »), qu’il doit commander temporairement. Sylvia manigance pour obtenir que le Général Campion finisse sa carrière aux Indes, auquel cas… elle envisagerait de l’épouser. Elle retrouve Gérald, l’amant qu’il l’avait abandonnée enceinte. Celui-ci lui annonce que la fin de la guerre est proche. Edith Macmaster craint que Christopher ne leur réclame l’argent qu’il a donné à Macmaster et décide de renouer avec Valentine.

5. Episode 5
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Christopher is sent to the Front with McKechnie and Perowne. Sylvia - now ensconced at Groby - makes one final, desperate play for him, which provokes a reaction from Valentine who nervously waits for news of Christopher.

4. Episode 4
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Now stationed in Rouen, an exhausted Christopher prepares soldiers for the draft and when a soldier deserts, Christopher is left in an uncomfortable position. Back in London, Sylvia tricks Perowne into escorting her to France. Campion is appalled when he encounters her, but she is determined to seek out her husband, oblivious to the consequences this will have for him and for Perowne.

3. Episode 3
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Vicious rumours about Christopher abound, leading to tragedy at Groby, which forces Christopher to feel betrayed by his father. Sylvia finds a new admirer who proves a distraction as the war continues, and Valentine moves to London where she begins work as a gym teacher. Reverend Duchemin dies, and Edith and MacMaster are free to plan a new life together.

2. Episode 2
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While Sylvia and Christopher are reunited publically, their relationship remains turbulent in private. On resolving herself to be chaste, Sylvia seeks to prove her intent to Christopher by visiting a convent. In the run up to war Christopher finds himself torn between his marriage vows and his feelings for Valentine. Meanwhile Valentine continues her suffragette campaign and finds herself a witness to a historic event. Macmaster and Edith escape to Scotland to continue their affair and Edith is faced with the reality of her actions.

1. Episode 1
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In the dying days of Edwardian England, aristocrat Christopher Tietjens enters into a destructive marriage with the beautiful but cruel socialite Sylvia who bears a son that may or may not be his. Ignoring her overt flirtation with other men, Christopher resolves to remain faithful to her, even when the fearless young suffragette Valentine crosses his path whilst trying to escape capture from the police. Reverend Duchemin invites Christopher and Macmaster to breakfast. Macmaster is attracted to Edith, the unhinged Reverend's wife, and Christopher meets Valentine again. Later Christopher and Valentine ride through the night together and experience a profound connection.