10. Legacy
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Casey and Evan are hired as Professor Segal‘s research assistants. Their first case is to help the University tear down the KTs’ condemned house. Calvin decides to choose accounting as his major. Rusty takes over as KT President while Cappie studies for finals. Casey tells the KTs that their house is being bought out by Lasker Parkes, the alumnus who had just promised to buy it for the KTs. Cappie tells Casey that he will be graduating this semester. Dale starts dating Laura. Rusty and Ashleigh confess their feelings to each other and begin dating with Casey‘s blessing. Cappie graduates and passes the KT presidency to Rusty.

9. Agents of change
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ZBZ becomes a finalist for the best chapter in the nation and Rebecca takes charge, inviting Frannie to help them prepare. Casey worries Rebecca is turning into Frannie, who tries to rekindle a friendship with her. Frannie proves that she hasn‘t changed and is still the same old bossy arrogant girl when she fails to deliver on her promise to get Justin Bieber to the ZBZ‘s charity event. The KTs' troubles continue as they face financial worries when they can‘t come up with the funds to repair the house. Rusty‘s wire is bought by Evan‘s dad‘s company so Evan agrees to help Rusty find out what is happening to his patent. Calvin enlists Dale to help get his presidency back. Rusty and Cappie suspect Spidey is the one sabotaging the house.

8. Subclass plagiostomi
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The KT faces academic probation when one of their pledges receives straight F‘s - the KTs suspect Omega Chi and Dale are behind it. Rebecca investigates and discovers that Omega Chi is playing a trick on Dale. Evan takes revenge on Casey for his break up with Rebecca. As part of the Omega Chi scam on Dale, he ends up performing solo on stage in just his underwear in front of the entire Greek system. Ashleigh continues her job search with the help of Cappie who has his eye on joining the CIA. She also continues her relationship with Casey‘s professor Simon, but realizes that he sees her as a trophy girlfriend and breaks up with him. Cappie attends an interview with the CIA, only to realize he may not be the type of candidate they are looking for.

7. Midnight clear
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Rusty is planning Calvin‘s 21st birthday party at his apartment. Casey and Ashleigh have not been speaking and are afraid to run into each other at the party. A really bad snowstorm hits Cyprus Rhodes, shutting down all roads. Since Heath is not able to make it back with the alcohol, the gang of eight decides to walk to Dobbler‘s. Inside Dobbler‘s, the group decides to play Kiss & Tell, where secrets and feelings are revealed. Casey and Ashleigh patch up their issues. Rebecca and Evan break up, Rusty and Ashleigh kiss for a second time.

6. Fumble
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Casey and Cappie wake up together and Casey kicks him out of the house before anyone finds out, claiming that nothing can happen between them. Rusty wakes up hungover; unable to remember what happened. He finds lipstick on his mouth, and sets out on a search with Calvin to find the mystery girl. Casey and Cappie realize that they did not use protection the night before. Casey gets the morning after pill just in case. The ZBZ sisters are watching faculty children during the big game, and Cappie comes to help Casey and prove that he‘s matured. Professor Segal flirts with Ashleigh, who is upset about her undetermined future. Rusty returns home unable to find the mystery girl - he finds Ashleigh there, getting ready for a date with Segal. An ensuing flashback reveals that Rusty was drunkenly comforting Ashleigh the night before, and they shared a quick kiss.

5. Home coming and going
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Peter‘s dad, Lasker, visits Kappa Tau, and Cappie feels pressure to impress him. Cappie plans an Everest party for Homecoming, complete with ice luges throughout the house. Lasker wants to know who Peter‘s big brother is. Rusty wants to be Peter‘s big brother, but Peter wants Cappie. Casey tries to convince Ashleigh to find a job and move out, but Ashleigh drags her feet. Casey and Evan go to an alumni dinner because their law professor will be there. Casey gets into a fight with Ashleigh. To impress Peter, Rusty plans to steal the A&M goat mascot at night, but while they‘re in the process, Dale and some Omega Chi members interrupt with the same plan. Calvin finds out that Heath is a stripper. Casey goes to Cappie‘s party drunk - when he discovers her, he helps her return home.

4. All about beav
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Beaver goes to class to find he got an F on his paper due to plagiarism. Casey tries to get Katherine to form a study group with her. Beaver is smitten with Katherine. Rusty and Dana are working on a science project together, but when Dana requests to be called a co-inventor on the credits page, Rusty's anger ruins the presentation. The committee likes the invention, but pull Rusty from the project and gives it to professionals. Rebecca invites Cappie to the pledge party so she can make Evan jealous. Beaver wakes up in bed with Katherine. Rusty and Dana break up.

3. Cross examined life
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Rusty, Dale and Dana are hanging out together and Dana suggests throwing a murder mystery dinner party to help Dale socialize. The Omegas then storm in and take Dale away as he‘s pledged to them. Casey gets a surprise visit from Ashleigh, who has lost her job in New York. Calvin reveals that he has no major, just like Cappie, but wants to keep it a secret. Rusty worries that Dale is joining Omega to get back at him, so he devises a plan to get Dale into Kappa. But Dale is insulted by Rusty‘s insistence, and goes to the Omega hazing. Rusty and his friends kidnap Dale and take him to Dana‘s murder mystery party, leaving Spidey there to face the Omegas‘ wrath. Dale leaves Rusty‘s party, claiming that he wants to be an Omega. Casey is having a hard time finding a study group to join in her new law class. Katherine returns to attend CRU Law school.

2. Fools rush in
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The KT’s decide that, since they lost several members of their frat last year, it’s time to actually try to recruit pledges. The KTs set up a booth during rush on campus to help with recruiting. Tegan (Charisma Carpenter) shows up to help the ZBZs maintain their newly regained 'Best House on Campus' title. Tegan and Rebecca argue about how rushing should go and Casey comes to Rebecca’s rescue with a plan to have Dana (Martha MacIsaac) keep Tegan distracted. The ZBZs entertain a potential new pledge, Heather, who is Heath’s sister. Dale also entertains the idea of rushing this semester. The KTs hold their annual secret rush party, but campus security breaks up the party after they received a mysterious tip.

1. Defending your honor
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It's Casey, Evan, and Ashleigh’s graduation day. Casey and Cappie haven’t spoken since Spring Break and are anticipating saying their final goodbyes to each other, which do not go as smoothly as expected. Casey's packing up to move to Washington, DC to go to law school. Through some prompting from Evan, Casey learns that the reason she did not get into CRU law school was a bad recommendation from Joel. Casey confronts Joel, who reconsiders and has his letter rescinded. Casey is accepted into CRU law and decides to stay after all. Ashleigh's internship in New York is not what she was hoping for. Evan is attending CRU law school with Casey. Rebecca, now president of ZBZ, works on getting the house in order. Calvin deals with his new presidential position at Omega Chi.