18. Episode 18

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17. Episode 17

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16. Episode 16

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15. The Message

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Old war comrade of Mal's and Zoe's mails his corpse to them and leaves a note asking them to deliver him to his family.

14. Objects in Space

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The Serenity is being followed by a stealthy a stealthy spaceship of unknown origin. The mystery ship is piloted by Early, a bounty hunter who’s out to collect the enormous reward on River’s head. Using a spacesuit and magnetic boots, Early slips aboard the Serenity unnoticed.

13. Heart of Gold

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The crew comes to the aid of a bordello when its madam, an old acquaintance of Inara’s, asks for help after a gunslinger claims a prostitute’s baby is his and he’s taking it because his wife is barren.

12. The Message

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While taking in the sights of a carnival planet, Mal and Zoe receive a man-sized crate that is addressed to them. When Mal and Zoe unlock the crate and find a corpse inside, they are surprised to find it is the body of their their old war buddy, Tracey. Upon further inspection, they find a tape recorder inside the crate with a message from Tracey, who asks that his body be transported back home so he can be buried in the family plot. Later, Mal and the crew react when warning shots are fired over the Serenity’s bow and a detective appears on the view screen demanding the return of the crate. Suspecting something must be hidden in the body, Mal orders Simon to conduct an autopsy on Tracey’s body, but when Simon slices the corpse’s chest with his scalpel, Tracey suddenly springs to life, screaming. Tracey explains that he is, in effect, smuggling illegal organs to a clinic, where his real organs would be replaced once the artificial ones are harvested.

11. Trash

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Mal is shocked to discover his old friend's new bride is Saffron who, although furious after Mal blows her cover, offers to cut Mal in on what she calls the perfect, big-time scam.

10. War Stories

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Wash regrets insisting he be allowed to accompany Mal on a mission after the two men are captured by Adelai Niska—the client who previously hired Mal to steal the medicine bound for Paradiso.

9. Ariel

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Simon offers the crew a proposition: if they help him sneak River into a hospital so he can run tests on her, he'll tell them where to find medical supplies that will fetch an enormous price on the black market.

8. Out of Gas

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The Serenity hangs listlessly in space, appearing crippled and abandoned. An explosion has ripped through the ship and Mal has ordered everyone to abandon ship while he stays behind in an attempt to make repairs. Struggling to stay conscious amid the debris-strewn ship, Mal hears voices in his head and has flashbacks to how he found the ship and picked its crew.

7. Jaynestown

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While on a mission, the crew wanders into town where they happen upon a mud-clay statue that bears an uncanny resemblance to Jayne. Jayne, surprised, informs the others that, years earlier, he pulled off a heist on the planet where he stole money, but during the getaway attempt was forced to jettison strongboxes filled with loot in order to keep his ship airborne.

6. Our Mrs. Reynolds

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Four bandits approach an Amish-looking farmer and his bonneted wife as they sit aboard their flat- boat. The robbers make their demands…only to realize that the seemingly harmless farmer is really Jayne…and his wife is none other than Mal, decked out in a dress. A gunfight ensues, and the bandits are killed. Later, Mal and his crew participate in a celebration with a group of townspeople. Everyone gets very drunk, and an Elder Gommen tells the group that they are forever indebted to them. When Zoe relays word that an Alliance cruiser is approaching the area, the crew heads back to the ship, where a horrified Mal discovers a woman named Saffron…who claims to be his wife. As the rest of the crew listens with great interest, Mal insists he isn’t married to anyone. But it soon becomes clear that he may have accidentally participated in a marriage ceremony while celebrating with the townspeople.

5. Safe

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Things go terribly wrong during a job on an outer planet; both Simon and River are kidnapped by the locals in need of a doctor, while the rest of the crew find themselves in need of a doctor of their own.

4. Shindig

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In order to secure a job transporting cargo off-planet for a client, Mal attends a social event where a dance with Inara leads to him being challenged to a swordfight in defense of her honor.

3. Bushwhacked

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When the Serenity comes along side a derelict spacecraft, Mal believes the crew has an obligation to board the craft to look for survivors and, in the process, salvage whatever valuables it contains. Assuming that everyone abandoned ship, Mal gives his crew instructions to begin the salvage operation. In the process, Mal discovers a young man cowering in the shadows. Mal tells the others that, based on what he’s seen, the ship was raided by Reavers, and somehow the young man managed to escape. Jayne finds this difficult to believe, as Reavers don’t leave survivors behind. Later, Mal realizes the Reavers left behind a booby trap which will be triggered when the ships detach. Kaylee and Wash set about the delicate task of deactivating the booby trap and moments after the trap is neutralized, the Serenity’s computers sound a proximity alert. An enormous Alliance cruiser and several smaller gun ships appear in the cockpit window.

2. The Train Job

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The Serenity crew have a new job, to rob a train carrying two boxes filled with Alliance goods. Dressed in civilian clothes, Mal and Zoe make their way on to the station where they board the train. As the journey gets underway, Mal and Zoe rise from their seats to search for the two boxes. Meanwhile, Wash positions the Serenity above the train, and Kayleee prepares a cable and winch to haul in the crates. As they are getting ready to move the cargo, an Alliance solider opens the door to the room, triggering a gas canister that Mal and Zoe had rigged. Mal overpowers the soldier, and during the confusion Jayne and the cargo are lifted out of the storage area and into the Serenity above. Mal and Zoe blend in with other passengers and soon overhear a conversation where they quickly realize that the boxes contained medicine bound for Paradiso, a mining community filled with sufferers of Bowden’s disease.

1. Serenity

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The crew of Serenity is eager to rid themselves of an easily traceable cargo they salvaged from a vessel adrift in space, totally unaware that a passenger has brought an even more dangerous cargo aboard.

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