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Where to watch "Pocket Dragon Adventures"

86. My Fair Dragon
1998 - Season 2
When the Pocket Dragons are invited to go to a special tea Princess Betty Bye Bell is holding for the visiting Millicent Stewitt, world's most famous expert on etiquette and protocol, it's time for a crash course in comportment. Can the Pocket Dragons make themselves models of manners overnight, or will the Princess' tea party turn into the biggest disaster of Millicent's social season?

84. Slice of Ice
1998 - Season 2
When Shmahz is accidentally caught in the crossfire of a massive Pocket Dragon snowball fight, the irritable sorcerer takes his revenge by bringing the Pocket Dragons' snowman to life and sending it after them. It's a wild sled chase through the snow as the Pocket Dragons try to get away from Shmahz and his snowy creation!

83. Dragon Snaps
1998 - Season 2
In hopes of getting back in the villagers' good graces after all the disasters they've caused, the Pocket Dragons build a giant cookie-making machine to bake tasty treats for everyone. But their good intentions may lead to the biggest disaster of all, when Cuddles disappears, leaving the others to think he's fallen into the machine and been turned into a cookie. Panic-stricken, the Pocket Dragons tear the village apart in a desperate search for the "Cuddles cookie!"

81. Dragons, Dragons, Everywhere
1998 - Season 2
Despondent after their failures as pirates and as restauranteurs, the Pie Rats have a new plan: they want to be Pocket Dragons. Clad in ridiculous costumes, Cuda, Wuda, and Shuda begin imitating the Pocket Dragons, to prove they can be just as good at it as the real PDs. Aghast, the Pocket Dragons must convince the Pie Rats to follow their true calling and start a new restaurant, before they drive the Pocket Dragons crazy.

80. Clockwork Berserk
1998 - Season 2
An old rival of the Wizard, the Mad Tinker, sends the Wizard a troublesome package: the Alarming Clock, an innocuous-looking wind-up clock that will cause untold chaos if the "alarm" ever rings. Even worse, the Mad Tinker captures the Pocket Dragons and replaces them with clockwork replicas, who infiltrate the castle and attempt to trigger the Alarming Clock! The Pocket Dragons must escape the Mad Tinker, outfox their mechanical dopplegangers, and stop the Clock before it's too late.

79. All That Glitters
1998 - Season 2
Princess Betty Bye Bell has an opportunity to buy a new collection of books for the library, but she doesn't have enough money, so Specs and Scribbles set out to design the perfect fund raising plan. After some initial disasters, they set out to find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow - and run afoul of Brigadoodle, the Leprechaun guarding it. Since they found it fair and square, the Pocket Dragons are entitled to the gold, but Brigadoodle is afraid he'll be drummed out of the Leprechaun's union if he loses yet another pot of gold! Can the Pocket Dragons strike a bargain that will let Brigadoodle keep his job, and get the Princess the gold she needs?

78. Opposites Distract
1998 - Season 2
Scribbles, feeling sorry for Specs and his unrequited crush on Princess Betty Bye Bell, tries to help him out by casting a magic spell on the Princess, so that she'll like Specs as much as he likes her. In typical fashion, things go awry, and the spell is accidentally cast on Zoom-Zoom instead. Now Zoom-Zoom's got a crush on the Princess, too! Scribbles must find a way to reverse the spell before Specs and Zoom-Zoom's jealous competition for the Princess' affections gets out of hand.

77. Trap Happy
1998 - Season 2
When the Pocket Dragons hear that the infamous burglar Monsieur Packrat is coming to the village, they decide to fortify the castle with every ingenious alarm and booby-trap that Specs and Scribbles can devise. But the wiley Packrat is too clever to be slowed down by these snares. Will Monsieur Packrat make it out of the castle with a bag full of stolen valuables, or will Zoom-Zoom's final trap give the nefarious thief more than he bargained for?

76. Clanks a Million!!
1998 - Season 2
Filbert's wish to be a valiant knight unexpectedly comes true when a package arrives from Old Montebank, containing a mysterious suit of golden armor. When Filbert climbs into the armor, it magically entraps him. The other Pocket Dragons help Filbert try out his new togs with a knightly training exercise, "rescuing" a sleeping Cuddles from a homemade dragon. But the game soon gets out of hand as Filbert discovers the armor has a mind of its own! The Pocket Dragons must separate Filbert from the armor before the single-minded plate-mail - determined to save Cuddles whether he needs to be rescued or not - destroys both the castle and Sir Nigel's cave.

75. Nothing but the Roof
1998 - Season 2
One rainy day, the Pocket Dragons discover water dripping from the rafters. The castle roof has sprung a leak, and so Filbert decides to lead the others in a little home repair. Of course, with Pocket Dragons involved, nothing is ever quite that simple, as fixing one leak only creates another, and then another. If Scribbles' new water draining invention doesn't work (and how often do Scribbles' inventions actually do what they're supposed to?) the entire castle may end up all wet!

73. Jester Round the Bend
1998 - Season 2
Binky finds an old jester doll, one of the Wizard's long-forgotten childhood toys, at the bottom of a trunk, and decides to clean up the toy as a surprise for the Wizard. Unfortunately, the Pocket Dragons quickly find out why the Wizard buried the toy at the bottom of the trunk: the jester comes magically to life and torments them with a series of obnoxious practical jokes! Now the only way to stop it is with a spell hidden in the jester's scepter, and to get the scepter, the Pocket Dragons must beat the jester at his own game. Can the Pocket Dragons out-trick the trickster?

70. A Knight to Remember
1998 - Season 2
While a young girl named Lady Honeycomb, the granddaughter of one of the Wizard's old friends, is visiting the castle for a few days, she sees Cuddles in his sleep-walking hero persona, Sir Cuddles. She's so impressed that she wants him to teach her how to be a valiant knight, too, inspiring the Pocket Dragons to devise an elaborate program to train Sir Cuddles' new squire in knightly gallantry!

69. Fled a Good Book Lately?
1998 - Season 2
A magic spell gone awry casts the Pocket Dragons into the world of Tales of the Arabian Nights, where they are mistaken for famous bakers come to cook for the sheik - and they had better be good, or else! In order to get home, Pocket Dragons must bake a batch of cookies worthy of a sheik's appetite, and keep the Wizard's spell book out of the hands of the sheik's opportunistic Mystic Advisor.

68. Binky and the Beanstalk
1998 - Season 2
It hasn't rained in a long time, and the Pocket Dragons' garden outside the castle is beginning to wither, all except for a magic bean Binky planted, which grows a colossal beanstalk extending high above the clouds. Climbing the beanstalk, the Pocket Dragons discover the real reason for the long drought - the rain is controlled by a fickle, egotistical being called the Main Cloud. Can the Pocket Dragons persuade the Main Cloud to make it rain, or will they just end up getting their tails singed by the irritable cloud-being's lightning bolts for their trouble?

67. The Echoing Dwarf
1998 - Season 2
The Pocket Dragons journey to Echoing Canyons in the Mysterious Land, the place where echoes come from, to try to solve the mystery of why the village's town crier has lost his echo. In Echoing Canyon, they meet a dwarf named Resonance, who's responsible for all the world's echoes. He loves to mimic sounds and voices (so when a sound echoes, it's really Resonance repeating it) and the town crier lost his echo because the dwarf got tired of repeating his announcements year after year! Resonance follows the Pocket Dragons back to the village, where the dwarf starts causing mischief with misplaced echoes. Can the Pocket Dragons convince him to put all the echoes back where they belong?

66. Here There Be Dragons
1998 - Season 2
When the Pocket Dragons read the legend "Here there be dragons" on an old map, they decide this must mean that there's a distant land with a dragon they've never met, and they set out, flying on Sparkles, to find him. Instead, they find Captain Milo Meander and his ship The Wild Goose, searching for the same dragon in order to make his reputation as a great explorer. Meander promptly captures Sparkles, thinking he's the dragon on the map, and the Pocket Dragons must rescue him, or they'll be stranded with no ride home!

65. Monster Mashed
1998 - Season 2
It's almost Darkling Night - the time of the year when all the spooks, goblins, and other things that go bump in the night appear - and the very thought of the scary holiday has Cuddles in a panic. To try to free him of his fear, the other Pocket Dragons take him to haunted Darkling Castle (where legend has it Lord Darkling created a host of terrible creatures) hoping to show Cuddles the monsters aren't real. But they're all in for a big scare when the monsters prove to be all together too real!

64. Mortal Wombat
1998 - Season 2
The Pocket Dragons meet the Wombat Master, a mysterious figure who warns them that the legendary Gate of Doom has appeared in the Wizard's library. Soon, it will open to unleash a horde of Evil Warriors bent on world conquest, and the world's only hope is - the Pocket Dragons? To defend their world, the Pocket Dragons must master Got Noh Do, a martial art based on balance and discipline. Uh oh. The world may be doomed...

63. Now You See Me, Now You Don't
1998 - Season 2
Scribbles is overjoyed when she buys an invisibility cloak from a traveling salesman. It doesn't work, but the other Pocket Dragons, remembering the mischief Scribbles wrought the last time she made herself disappear (Episode 08B), decide to have a little fun with her by pretending she really is invisible. Unfortunately, this attracts the attention of a trio of dimwitted Demons of the Dark, who think Scribbles' "magic" invisibility cloak is their ticket to get back into the demons' union, which kicked them out for their ineptitude!

62. Rose-Colored Specs
1998 - Season 2
While playing in the library around a sleeping Specs (slumped over a book), the other Pocket Dragons accidentally knock his glasses off and break the lenses. Desperate to fix the glasses before Specs wakes up, they find a spell to conjure up a new pair of lenses. But the new lenses aren't ordinary glass: they're magic lenses which cause the wearer to see the world how he'd like it to be, rather than how it is. Now the Pocket Dragons must find a way to switch the rose-colored lenses for a new pair of normal glasses, before Specs' "rosy" view of the world leads him to disaster!

61. Binky, Warrior Princess
1998 - Season 2
When Binky hurts her wing while playing, the other Pocket Dragons take her to Princess Betty Bye Bell's animal clinic in the village, only to find that the village is threatened by a full-sized dragon named Trafalgar, who thinks it would be fun to be a villain. The Pocket Dragons decide they have to save the village, leaving Binky behind because of her bruised wing. But Trafalgar quickly captures them, and Binky must become a one-Pocket Dragon army to rescue her friends!

59. Sleepwalk on the Wild Side
1998 - Season 2
While Cuddles is sleep-playing as "Sir Cuddles" (the heroic knight Cuddles becomes when he falls asleep), he is accidentally coated in a magical potion which causes him to take on a series of new personas, like "Black Jack Cuddles" the pirate and "Cuddles the Kid," a western hero. To make things even more difficult, the magic word which wakes Cuddles up doesn't work on these new Cuddles-characters! Can the Pocket Dragons wake Cuddles up before his new personas get them all into far more trouble than Sir Cuddles ever did?

58. A Really Bad Hair Day
1998 - Season 2
It's a hair-raising adventure for the Pocket Dragons when the Wizard's beard unexpectedly separates itself from the Wizard and comes to life! As the magically-animated beard leads Filbert, Zoom-Zoom, Cuddles and Binky on a wild chase through the village, Specs and Scribbles try to fix things with a magic spell that grows beards on everyone and everything but the Wizard. Will the Pocket Dragons recover the escaping beard, or will the Wizard have to face life clean-shaven?

57. A Babe in the Woods
1998 - Season 2
While the Wizard is entertaining an important guest, a powerful full-sized dragon named Evangelina, the Pocket Dragons are entrusted with caring for Evangelina's precocious young son, a four-foot tall dragon toddler named Meldrick. The Pocket Dragons quickly discover that Meldrick is more than a handful when the curious youngster wanders away from the castle. Can the Pocket Dragons find Meldrick and get him and themselves back to the castle in one piece?

56. The Frill of a Lifetime
1998 - Season 2
Sir Nigel has a problem: his younger brother Chumley, a red dragon, wants to become a valiant explorer like Sir Nigel. Unfortunately, Chumley is enthusiastic but bumbling, better suited to drawing pictures than braving perilous adventures. Sir Nigel enlists the Pocket Dragons' help to create suitably heroic adventures for Chumley, while making sure he doesn't get hurt. Can the Pocket Dragons help Chumley prove his mettle, or will the one dragon more disaster-prone than they manage to get them all in over their heads?

55. Brother, Can You Spare a Dragon?
1998 - Season 2
Sir Kenneth returns, with a new problem: in order to win the role of Senior Knight (and thus earn a much needed vacation), he needs to bring back a big dragon to exhibit to King Biggity. Sparkles agrees to help Sir Kenneth, with the Pocket Dragons along to help keep him out of trouble. But even if Sir Kenneth manages to convince King Biggity that friendly, dopey Sparkles is the fiercest dragon in the land, Sparkles' clumsiness may wreck more havoc than the fiercest dragon ever could!

54. Reservoir Clogs
1998 - Season 2
While he and Scribbles are on an expedition in the Mysterious Land, Filbert is captured by a group of the Kobolds, tiny Lilliputian creatures who think that Filbert is a giant monster! If Filbert can convince them that just because he's big doesn't mean he's a monster, he and Scribbles may be able to help the Kobolds deal with the Grendel, an even bigger monster that's menacing the tiny people's village

53. Snow Binky and the Six Pocket Dragons
1998 - Season 2
The Pocket Dragons put on a play: "Snow White and the Six Pocket Dragons," with Binky as Snow White. It's the classic fairy tale told Pocket Dragon-style and with Scribbles embellishing the script to give herself (and her crazy inventions) a bigger part, and the ever-clumsy Sparkles playing both the evil stepmother and Prince Gorgeous, it's one production that'll literally bring the house down!

25. The Beast of Times; And Dust Is for All
No release date yet
Specs and Scribbles are scared by a monster; while cleaning the castle, the dragons inadvertently create an animated dust bunny.

24. The Dickens, You Say!; How the Grackul Stole Christmas
No release date yet
The dragons stage a production of "A Christmas Carol"; the dragons attempt to stop the Grackul from ruining the village's Christmas celebration.

23. It's a Gift; Festival of Lights
No release date yet
The dragons recreate Hanukkah; the dragons prepare a Hanukkah gift for the Wizard.

22. Raiders of the Lost Cookies; The Frog Princess
No release date yet
The dragons follow a map leading to fellow dragon Chow Lu's biggest treasure; Specs' attempt to impress Princess Betty goes terribly wrong when he accidentally turns her into a frog.

21. It's a Wonderful Fruitcake; Christmas Rap
No release date yet
Dragons seek adventure in a world of wizards, knights and gargoyles.

20. Shadow of a Bout; Dark Moon Rising
No release date yet
Dragons seek adventure in a world of wizards, knights and gargoyles.

19. A Kite to Remember; Gnome Improvement
No release date yet
A lightning bolt transforms Filbert into an image on the kite he is flying; claiming he is a building inspector, Gnorman the Gnome evicts the dragons from the castle.

18. Bewitched, Bothered, and Be-Dragoned; The Ransom of Sparkles
No release date yet
Dragons seek adventure in a world of wizards, knights and gargoyles.

17. Gone With the Wand; Book 'Em, Cuddles
No release date yet
The Pocket Dragons discover a magic wand that grants any wish; Trafalgar the dragon invades the village library and plans to take all the books for himself.

16. Slice of Ice; My Fair Dragon
No release date yet
The Pocket Dragons anger Shmahz, who chases them through the snow until he gets frozen solid the dragons try to learn good manners for Princess Betty's tea party.

15. Dragons, Dragons, Everywhere; Dragon Snaps
No release date yet
The Pie Rats want to be Pocket Dragons, so they begin imitating the dragons to prove they can be just as good at it as the real ones; while baking tasty treats for the villagers, the dragons panic when Cuddles disappears.

14. All That Glitters; Clockwork Berserk
No release date yet
Dragons seek adventure in a world of wizards, knights and gargoyles.

13. Trap Happy; Opposites Distract
No release date yet
The dragons fortify the castle against the wily Monsieur Packrat; Specs and Zoom-Zoom compete for Princess Betty's affection after a mishap with a love spell.

12. Nothing But the Roof; Clanks a Million!
No release date yet
The castle roof is leaking; Filbert receives a golden suit of armor.

11. The Unbearable Lightness of Zoom-Zoom; Jester Round the Bend
No release date yet
Witch Mabity, who has problems with her magic, casts a spell that makes Zoom-Zoom fly out of control; Binky and Scribbles find the Wizard's old jester doll and accidentally bring it to life.

10. Fled a Good Book Lately?; A Knight to Remember
No release date yet
Dragons seek adventure in a world of wizards, knights and gargoyles.

9. Echoing Dwarf; Binky Beanstalk
No release date yet
The dragons try to stop the a mischievous dwarf; cloud controls the rain.

8. Monster Mashed; Here There Be Dragons
No release date yet
Dragons seek adventure in a world of wizards, knights and gargoyles.

7. Now You See Me, Now You Don't; Mortal Wombat
No release date yet
Dragons seek adventure in a world of wizards, knights and gargoyles.

6. Binky, Warrior Princess; Rose-Colored Specs
No release date yet
Binky becomes a hero after rescuing her friends; the dragons break Specs' glasses.

5. Pocket Dragon Adventures S02 E05 and Dust Is for All
No release date yet
The Pocket Dragons (a group of very small dragons) live with a kindly old wizard, and their many adventures.

4. Pocket Dragon Adventures S02 E04 the Beast of TImes
No release date yet
The Pocket Dragons (a group of very small dragons) live with a kindly old wizard, and their many adventures.

3. Pocket Dragon Adventures S02 E03 How the Grackul Stole Christmas
No release date yet
The Pocket Dragons (a group of very small dragons) live with a kindly old wizard, and their many adventures.

2. Pocket Dragon Adventures S02 E02 the Dickens, You Say!
No release date yet
The Pocket Dragons (a group of very small dragons) live with a kindly old wizard, and their many adventures.

1. Pocket Dragon Adventures S02 E01 It's a Gift
No release date yet
The Pocket Dragons (a group of very small dragons) live with a kindly old wizard, and their many adventures.