13. Pirates Today
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Piracy continues to be a real threat today. With modern and sophisticated weapons, pirates are more dangerous than ever. This episode reveals the characteristics of modern piracy.

12. Pirates of the South China Seas
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In 1218, the great Ming General Cheng Ho complained that the Celestial Sea was infested with pirates who terrorized ships from the Philippines to Japan and continued to challenge authority.

11. Pirates of the Indian Ocean
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Traders spoke bitterly of the risks they faced at sea, so around 1720 the British Navy tried to rid the Caribbean of pirates. The pressure led many pirates to sail east for the Indian Ocean.

10. The Gift of Piracy
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Piracy is a life for the young and dashing, though the life of a pirate is not an easy one. To be a pirate one must maintain the "gift" of terror, thieving and deception.

9. Pirates and the Slave Trade
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The links between slavery and piracy go back to the days of ancient Egypt. Pirates would often take prisoners from captured ships and sell them as slaves.

8. The Pirates of the Pacific
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Believed to hold sea monsters that could swallow ships whole, the Pacific Ocean was a frightening place. In 1573, Francis Drake set out to conquer the fabled ocean.

7. Women Pirates
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Raised as a boy since childhood, it was natural for Mary Read to enter the adventurous life of a pirate. Along the way, she crossed paths with Calico Jack and another woman pirate, Anne Bonney.

6. Season 1, Episode 6
1994 - Season 1
Mainly runaway slaves scratching out a living for themselves, the Buccaneers first settled on Hispaniola. Much of what we know of them comes from one book, "The Buccaneers of America."

5. Season 1, Episode 5
1994 - Season 1
After discovering the Americas, some licensed pirates were sanctioned to attack certain enemies. This program explores this practice, known as privateering, and its influence on the New World.

4. The Barbary Corsairs
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"The Barbary Corsairs" looks at the motley group of pirates who roamed the Mediterranean and beyond, from the 17th to 19th centuries, as a moneymaking sideshow.

3. Season 1, Episode 3
1994 - Season 1
While we know a great deal about Viking culture through the poetry, myths, and chronicles written by their victims, historians argue as to why Vikings began their treacherous raids.

2. Season 1, Episode 2
1994 - Season 1
Greek myths and legends often speak of pirates, but we know very little about individual pirates of the time. Who was the ancient equivalent of Blackbeard or Captain Kidd?

1. Season 1, Episode 1
1994 - Season 1
Since so many pirates created their own legends, it's difficult to disentangle fact and fiction. One of the most terrifying tales is that of Blackbeard, who made his base in the Bahamas.