My Goldfish Is Evil
My Goldfish is Evil is a Canadian animated television series that was created by Nicolas J. Boisvert, it first aired on CBC Television. The series was produced by Ghislain Cyr and Steven Majaury. The series made its British premiere on CITV on September 1, 2008. From February 16, 2009 onwards, it was moved back to an afternoon time slot on weekdays, airing then new episodes. It continues to run repeats on the channel today.My Goldfish is Evil is a Canadian animated television series that was created by Nicolas J. Boisvert, it first aired on CBC Television. The series was produced by Ghislain Cyr and Steven Majaury. The series made its British pr... Read more
Watch "My Goldfish Is Evil" from streaming services Amazon Prime, Tubi TV released in 2006. It's a animation and action & adventure show, and has a rating of 6.2 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show.