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Where to watch "Nestor und Quest"

26. Strange Bedfellows
No release date yet
In a battle with both Spite and the Guardian, with Spite and his henchmen on the sidelines, a mountain is accidentally brought to life. It doesn't care who's good or bad. It eats them all and tries to digest them. In the end, all escape the mountain. However, all five swords are lost in different directions, so the gang must find them again once more (As Quest said "This quest will never end!").

25. The Prince And The Pauper
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Everyone is in shock when in turns out that Nestor isn't a prince after all. It was a mix up; the real prince is Bestor, and Nestor is actually a cobbler. Soon afterwards, feeling unwanted, Nestor leaves the team...

24. Unlikely Alliance
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Spite pays Agon to fight the Guardian for the swords, but Agon loses. Nestor interrupts the fight to save Agon, with the belief that doing so is the noble thing to do, but ends up losing the Fire Sword. Later, the gang falls into a trap set by Spite, and Nestor and Quest must battle the Guardian. Agon comes at the last minute to save them and thank them for the help earlier, reminding the group that they are still on his bad side.

23. Bizarro Graer
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Deceit makes a clone of Graer by casting a spell on a frog, hoping that it will steal the swords. After Graer is captured, the clone takes his place, though it becomes more frog-like over time. After the truth is revealed, the gang not only has to fight the Bizarro Graer, but also its mutant hatchlings.

22. War of the Vegivours
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Nestor has insulted a sworm of french bees who fly away, leaving the land unprotected. In the morning, an army of vegetables, the enemy of the bees, made an ambush and captured almost the whole gang. Nestor can't fight off a whole army, so he has to do the least thing a prince should do - apologise...

21. Witches of Odyssia
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Anna has been captured by the shrieks again. But when the rest of the team comes to save her, it turns out that the shrieks now love witches and are making a witch contest in which Anna participates. Yet, it turns out to be another one of Spite's plans in which he has stolen all the power from the sorceresses...

20. Take A Chance
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While walking through a desert, the team gets trapped in a game show with lord Spite. If they compete and win, they get to cut through the desert, and they will be told were the Guardian is. But if they fail to win, they will be captured and froced to live in the city of chance forever

19. Nestor's Birthday
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For Nestor's birthday, everyone gives him a gift - Gatling gives him one of his eyes, Graer gives some of his feathers, Albert gives him a bunch of different paws in colored paint, and even Quest promises that he won't call him "runt". Anna gives him a spell that will make his wish really come true. Nestor wishes for superpowers for his birthday, and after he defeats lord Spite and general Ogun, the prince sees that he can just defeat the guardian alone and tells the others to leave. But while Nestor flies off to defeat lord Spite to get the rest of the swords, his powers vanishes and he is captured by lord Spite. The gang saves him, and later Anna reveals that he only wished for powers for his birthday, not forever.

18. No Way Out
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Spite gets a gun which can "babytise" anything. During a fight with Quest and his crew, Spite accidentally (due to Nestor) hits Way, and she becomes an egg. The gang must find her family so that her mom could hatch her.

17. Guardian Match
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Quest meets the Guardian, and to make things a bit interesting, they make a bet - if Quest loses, he loses Albert, and if the guardian loses, the Guardian gives up the sword. Quest loses and Albert is taken away. Yet, unwiling to lose a friend, Quest alone tracks the guardian to his home and battles him once more.

16. The Body Switch
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During a battle, Anna and Deceit accidentally hit Nestor and Quest, which makes them both switch bodies. Everything turns worse when Spite kidnaps Nestor, hoping to set a trap for the Guardian. In the end, Nestor (with Quest's body) breaks free of the trap, and the two return to normal by eating a magical, very bad-tasting fish.

15. Molting Graer
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In a battle with living rocks, Anna accidentally makes a spell on Graer, which makes him lose all his feathers. The only way to help him grow feathers back is to make Graer a hero. The gang desperately tries to do that, but all changes when real trouble appears.

14. World of Water
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During a fight with the Guardian, the gang falls into the ocean. There, they make friends with sea monkeys who worship Graer. Unfortunately, when it's time to go, the creatures don't want to release them.

13. Katastrophic Storm
2009 - Season 2
Deceit persuades the Katastrophe brothers to help her catch Way. Every time the Katastrophe monster is defeated, the rain which Deceit creates makes it even more powerful. The only way to save the day is for Anna to stop the rain, which is a really hard thing for her to do.

12. The Tow
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Due to Nestor's fault, Albert has been towed. In order to free him, he must become a mayor of a city Clagbush. The only problem - this "city" has only one person, who wants to be the mayor himself.

11. There's something about Gatling
2007 - Season 2
Gatling has lost control over his cyborg side and has no idea what's he doing. To make matters even worse, Graer accidentally releases him free to make chaos. Later, Quest makes a plan to make Gatling fight castle Molux.

10. The Great Rutabaga Depress
No release date yet
The whole of Odyssia is in crisis. Someone has stolen all the rutabaga. And unfortunatelly for Quest, it's Agon! But, he must defeat the bounty hunter if he wants to get information from a man who apparently knows where the Guardian went.

9. Musta Been Something Graer Ate
No release date yet
At another battle against Spite Graer is tricked into eating some food which is acctually a trap. After Graer understands that his stomach is full of parasites who can eat him alive Anna makes Nestor, Quest and Gatling small enough to get into Graers system to fight off munchers(brown bunnies with sharp teeth). Yet, here's another problem - general Ogun also gets in Graers body...

8. Leaper Island
2009 - Season 2
While fighting leaper monkeys Anna gets scrathced by one. Later at border they find shreeks that are stopping people to scan them for a new disease called "leapers". Unfortunately, since Anna has the disease, she is captured and taken to leaper island where all people who have leapers are isolated from the world. Yet, she is the only one isolated...could it all be another of Lord Spite's fiendish traps?

7. Mirror Quest
2009 - Season 2
Quest gets caught in the crossfire and gets hit with not only the ray of beasts who can split you in two just by looking at you, but with Deceit's magic as well. This causes Quest to be split into two Quests - a good Quest and an evil Quest. Evil Quest soon finds castle Mulox and ends up defeating Deceit, Ogun and Spite all at once. He takes over castle Mulox and now commands Spite's army (grinders and growls). Later, in a confrontationn with evil Quest, good Quest manages to grab a hold of evil Quest with a giant hug (while Spite tapes it, saying it's "blackmail") and Anna puts the two Quests back together. Yet, when normal Quest learns that Spite has video taped the hug, he has nothing more to say except "I hate the good me".

6. Little Troll Down the Lane
2007 - Season 2
After Nestor gets a monster angry at them because he didn't forfeit a softball game, the gang finds a troll who has been cursed. Quest must kiss her to release her from it, yet he can't because she is really ugly. After the cursed woman kidnaps Anna and Graer, Nestor reminds his bodyguard that sometimes one must do something for the good of the team...

5. The Crusades
2009 - Season 2
Nestor persuades his team (except Quest) to join a battle with green bull creatures. But later, the gang finds out that they have to fight an undefenseless village full of hippy rats. Now they must protect the village from the crusaders.

4. The Tell Tale Tale Teller
2009 - Season 2
Lord Spite tells his bard that he has defeated Quest several times, yet Ogun out of jelousy says that maybe he should beat Quest again. When they find Quest and the gang the bard notices that Quest is a great warrior and leaves to sing Quests prayers. After several eritating songs Deciet realizes that they can find Quest using the brad and then ambush him. Later the brad thinks that Deceit is a great sourceress and leaves to sing her prayers. Annoyed Deceit turns him into a something without vocal cords - a snake.

3. Robin Hood of Odyssia
2013 - Season 2
Lord Spite conivces Graer's sister (who is trying to steal from the rich and give to the poor) that Grear, Quest, Nestor, Gatling and Anna are rich, and don't deserve their riches. So, late at night, she sneaks into their camp and steals everything - from their weapons to the dagger of Way. When the gang wakes up, they soon realize that Graer's sister has tied them up together, and left in their underwear. While Robin goes back to give to the poor, (Who are really gatlings in disguise as peasants, Lord Spite decideds he does not trust Robin anymore and decides to double-cross her. As she and the others are captured and imprisoned, she realizes that she and Graer always fight and should act as brother and sister. They decided to work together to fight Lord Spite, who is on his own fighting since his henchmen, including Udon are on strike until they get some riches of their own.

2. Mystical Tooth Fairy
2009 - Season 2
Anna calls her old roommate, now a tooth fairy, for help. Unfortunately, during her visit Anna, understands (after turning Quest, Graer and Gatling into turkeys) that her magic is nothing compared with her friend's magic. Later, after convincing (with a bit of lie) Anna that her magic is useful, the gang finds Nestor's tooth, but the swords are taken away by The Guardian.

1. The Search for Deceit
2009 - Season 2
Finally, the gang is on Deceit's trail. After breaking into her house, they are ambushed by Spite. Everything turns worse when the two villains can't find the enchanted tooth that's supposed to be in Nestor's mouth.