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Where to watch "WinneToons"

27. Special Episode: Goin' West
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Westoons special episode, based on the TV animated series Westoons, was produced on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the writer Karl May's disappearance. A new appointment with the adventures of Winnetou, chief of the Apaches and his blood brother Old Shatterhand who fighting side by side for peace. All characters are infact based on the figures of the famous writer.

26. Deadly Canyon
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Shatterhand's team at the railway company is under pressure and has given instructions to work faster. Sam and Shatterhand are astonished, since boss Hollingsworth set a woman as new land surveyor. Shatterhand is dismissed by the railway company, and the new colleague takes over his post. It determines a new path for the railway line.

25. A Wrong Mission
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An old U.S. Army Captain is fed up after forty years of service and is kidnapped by his daughter, along with a load of gold that is actually destined to Fort Knox. Together, they want to start over in New Mexico. As they cross a river in a covered wagon, they are driven away by the current. Although they are rescued by Shatterhand and Winnetou, the gold keeps flowing in the river.

24. Black Magic
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When Colonel Drews gets ten boxes full of Winchester rifles for his troupe, Mattho-Sih wants those rifles to finally take over all tribes. With a lie, he wins chief Ka Maku as his accomplice. Mattho-Sih tells the very peaceful tribal leader that Colonel Drews only got the rifles to destroy the Native Americans.

23. Bounty Hunter
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Shatterhand and Sam are witnessing a bank robbery in Cloverfield. Shatterhand surprises one of the two masked offenders still on action, but the two bandits manage to escape. Cloverfield has a very strict judge who wants to hang the two bank robbers immediately. The crooks are persecuted and almost overtaken. But they can hide undetected in a treetop. Profiles are distributed with a high reward.

22. The Big Plague
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A group of settlers cannot believe their eyes: in the middle of the prairie, a pirate ship comes sailing towards them, and they are robbed by pirates. In Winnetou's village, smallpox breaks out. Medicine man Kanteh-Petha has no remedy for this terrible white man illness, and even becomes ill himself. To save Winnetou's people, Shatterhand informs via telegram a friendly doctor.

21. The Eye of the Eagle
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In a cave, Nscho-chi and Hokshila find an ancient map carved into a rock. It shows the way to the "Eye of the Eagle". According to a Native American legend, it should be a gigantic ball of pure gold. In order to finally prove to Chief Winnetou their courage and their boldness, the two young Apaches decide to find the "Eye of the Eagle". Harry Melton's bandit buddy, Pete, overheard their oath.

20. Timberland Valley
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The ranchers are upset because their cattle have been stolen on several occasions. The Muller brothers want to catch Native Americans doing the theft, and suddenly all the ranchers' rage is directed against them. Nobody believes Shatterhand, who is convinced of their innocence. Together with Winnetou he decides to pursue the thefts, and soon they get on a hot track.

19. The Big Avalanche
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While Winnetou participates in the traditional Indian competition Waktusha-ho, an assembly council of the Native Americans, many of his tribal brothers who remained at home, became very ill. They cannot be helped, because the medicine man Kanteh-Pehta run out of special herbs for making the medicine. Nscho-chi rides to the high mountain village of a friendly tribe to get the herbs.

18. The Trial
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The railway company complains to Colonel Drews that the construction of new lines are constantly disturbed by Native Americans attacks, but Colonel Drews does not have enough men to track them. Lieutenant Pierce offers to solve this problem if two men are made available to him. Colonel Drews agrees, unaware that the lieutenant is in cahoots with the hungry for power Mattho-Sih.

17. The Big Drought
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It has not rained for a long time, and Colonel Drews is officially rationing drinking water. A bandit gang illegally mines gold, and flushes it with tons of water. So that no one comes up with the idea to use Bear Lake as drinking water reservoir, they poison the entire lake. Hobble Frank claims to let it rain and shoots the sky with fireworks filled with Mother Thick's chili.

16. Grizzly
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A raging grizzly bear appears in the railroad camp. The railroad company then gives out a thousand dollar reward for the one who kills the giant bear. All settlers want to earn the high reward and get into a veritable hunt. Nscho-Tschi and the Native American boy Wokadeh release the injured she-bear from the trap, but Santer grabs the bear cubs and uses them as bait for a devious plan.

15. Doppelgänger
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Rudolf, the evil cousin of Shatterhand, appears suddenly in the Wild West. This causes some confusion, because Rudolf looks exactly like Shatterhand. The evil Rudolf went to Maurer, the lawyer who has to give Shatterhand the message that a great inheritance from Rudolf's deceased father awaits him. Rudolf wants to prevent Old Shatterhand from getting his inheritance.

14. The Ghost Town
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Hobble Frank and Aunt Droll are in the process of examining train tracks shut down by a bogie when it suddenly goes down steeply. The two trappers lose control of their rickety vehicle and land in a ghost town. When Aunt Droll tries to nibble something in the ghostly Saloon with Hobble Frank, they find old Spanish coins. Suddenly, an eerie figure appears with a knife in his hand.

13. Burning Water
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Nscho-Tschi meets the chemical engineer Efram Blackwell from Pennsylvania in the middle of the prairie. Nscho-chi shows him a tar puddle brimming with burning water - oil. Overjoyed, Blackwell makes his way to the city to recruit workers for an oil rig. Santer suspects a business and introduces Blackwell to his boss, the head of the railroaders, Hollingsworth. He proposes a deal.

12. Pass of Fear
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While the unscrupulous lumberjack boss wasted his employees' wages on poker, Nscho-chi and Wokadeh are buried in a cave. The only chance to free the two trapped behind thick rock walls is dynamite, but the railway has run out of ut. In addition, a storm threatens to flood the cave. Shatterhand, Sam and Winnetou set off for the fort of Colonel Drews hoping he might have explosives available.

11. The Fast Blade
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As a mysterious samurai fighter spreads fear and terror throughout the night, everyone believes that there is a dark demon on its way going after their own lives. But Shatterhand and Sam quickly find out that this is actually the Japanese swordsman Toshiro, who is in search of his father. Harry Melton had been unsuccessfully trying to recruit workers for his mercury mine at Mother Thick's Saloon.

10. The Great Stallion
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Horse theft is one of the worst crimes in the Wild West. As soon as some chief Black Hawk's horses, settlers, gold diggers, Hobble Frank and Aunt Droll disappear, everyone blames each other. Sam Hawkins is firmly convinced that the greedy Grobian Santer is behind it.

9. The Smell of Danger
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Nscho-Tschi brings the raccoon-bitten Native American boy Wokadeh to the medicine man. Without a very rare herb plant and the poison of another rattlesnake the boy has to die. Winnetou goes hunting a rattlesnake while Nscho-chi goes in search of the herbs. At the same time, a young gypsy girl enchants gold diggers and railroaders in front of Mother Thick's saloon with dance and music.

8. Dangerous Labyrinth
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Ret, Farnum and Bubba attack a gold transport. For camouflage, two of them change to women's clothing while fleeing. Meanwhile, the villains get lost with their prey in labyrinthine canyons in the Apache region, the Mako-Sika. There, Winnetou and Nscho-chi are in the process of training the young warrior Hokshila when Winnetou is captured by the bandits.

7. The Wrong Sheriff
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To make the sappy opera lover finally a man, the governor sends his nephew Timothy as the new sheriff in the gold mining town in the Apache area of Winnetou. Harry Melton, a swindler, finds out about it. His plan: the Latin bandit Rango and a band of outlaws to attack Timothy on his way to his new job and take away his papers and his star. Melton is to take over the city as the wrong sheriff.

6. The Falcon Amulet
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It is drought, hunting is bad. For times to change, Winnetou must find two green emeralds that lead him to the so-called Hawk amulet. He dedicates Shatterhand to his task. The two dissimilar East Coast sisters Mimsy and Letty also report a treasure hunt in Mother Thick's saloon. With the help of her deceased father's map, Letty wants to find a treasure in the Wild West.

5. Lord Castlepool
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Mother Thick's saloon guests are amazed when British Lord Castlepool and his butler Reggie suddenly stand in the swinging door. Armed with a pinhole camera and an elephant rifle, the bizarre Englishmen are on a special mission. They want to immortalize in photos the living legends of the Wild West for posterity.

4. Ghost Hunt
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The Native American spirit Wojo, a bear with a vulture's head, has reappeared. Winnetou does not want to believe it, because this evil spirit appears only when more animals than a nation can consume are hunted. Although there is great fear among the Apaches, the small brave Native American boy Wokadeh - Little Dove - sets out to defeat the Wojo.

3. Blood Brothers
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The road to peace negotiations is full of obstacles. In the desert, the new friends Winnetou and Old Shatterhand experience a heavy sandstorm that separates them. Moreover, Mattho-Sih and Santer try to prevent Old Shatterhand and Winnetou reaching the place of peace negotiations. Through the journey and the adventures experienced together, the trust between the Apache and the Greenhorn grows.

2. The Duel
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Shatterhand is forced into a knife fight, man to man, with Apache chief Winnetou. Suddenly, some settlers attack the Apache village, and he successfully fights against them side by side with Winnetou. Santer and Matto-Sih had instigated this war between ranch-owners and Native Americans, and Shatterhand became a confidant of the Native Americans.

1. The Departure
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When Old Shatterhand heads west from St. Louis in the 1860s with his Henry carbine, he still does not bear his legendary name. As a young railway engineer, he has no idea what to expect. Sam Hawkins soon becomes his loyal friend and teaches him the bare essentials to help the future Shatterhand find his way in the still wild, free country with savage animals and rude highwaymen.