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Where to watch "South of Nowhere"

16. On The Precipice
2008 - Season 3
Everyone must decide on their plans for the future, including Spencer, who must choose between going away to college or staying in L.A. with Ashley.

15. On the Precipice
No release date yet
The future always seems so far away, but it's here NOW. How can Chelsea start a new life in Paris when what she wants might be right here, right now? Where can Aiden and Kyla take their relationship next when now seems so perfect? And how can Spencer decide whether to spend the next four years away from Ashley if she's not even sure Ashley wants her here now?

14. Taking Seconds
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Aiden's cheated death for a second time, and it's enough to convince him that he's practically invincible. Now he's in danger of trying to prove it. Spencer and Chelsea both have huge news, but people keep getting in the way when they try to share it. Carmen's getting in the way of Ashley, and Glen's getting in the way of... Glen.

13. Past, Present and Future
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Everyone's life has become about choices. Chelsea has to choose between Glen and Sean. Aiden has to choose what's next in his life. And Spencer has to choose whether going to college means leaving home—and leaving Ashley.

12. Better Late Than Never
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Glen finally realizes his feelings for Chelsea just as Sean blows back into town, looking to scoop her up for himself. Will the new-and-improved Glen watch her slip away? Meanwhile, Ashley wishes Kyla would slip away. Ash refuses to forgive her and wants her out of her life forever. Spencer's siding with Ash, until there's some proof that Kyla may not be as evil as she seems...

11. Love and Kisses
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Spencer's falling into Lily's hipster crowd and loving every second of it—especially the seconds she spends making passes at Jonica. Meanwhile, Aiden would be falling for Sasha, if she didn't keep, y'know, being herself. And Glen is falling for the right girl... finally.

10. A Very Inconvenient Truth
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Now that Kyla's been humiliated on national television, she decides that the only way to redeem herself is to put the lies behind her and come clean to Ashley. Ashley needs someone she can trust, because she feels like Spencer's already eyeing up her replacement. And Glen feels like his dad's eyeing up a replacement son when Arthur brings along a third wheel on their father/son camping trip.

9. Spencer's 18th Birthday
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It's the weekend of Spencer's eighteenth birthday, and her grandmother's flying in to celebrate with the family. Spencer needs to find a way to tell her grandmother that she's gay, but Paula's doing all she can to keep it a secret. Kyla has a secret too, and the whole world's about to discover it, on live television.

8. Career Day
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Spashley's back! After a night they'll never forget, Spencer and Ashley are ready to pick up where they left off. This time Ashley's the one looking for stability and commitment, especially since Kyla's already half way to ruining their lives. Meanwhile, since Aiden's rebuilding his life, he figures he'll start with a big, Sasha-shaped piece.

7. Gay Pride
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Spencer wants to go to the gay pride festival, but it hurts that she can't find anyone willing to take her. Paula won't consider it, and even Ashley's too busy becoming famous. But Ashley's just about done being a star, and she's barely even started. Kyla, on the other hand, is so busy milking fame for all its worth that she doesn't realize what it's costing her.

6. Fame Is Where You Find It
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Jake's working hard to make Kyla the new It girl, but when she finds out that Ashley's poised to out-It her, It hits the fan. Aiden's there to see it splatter, and realizes that he might be splattering along with it. Meanwhile, Spencer discovers that guys have a hard time distinguishing being with her from BEING WITH her.

5. Fighting Crime
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Spencer's done with Carmen, and just in time too - Ashley needs her support, because an old friend from New York is ready to make her famous. Meanwhile, Aiden and Madison figure that since they're both unattached, maybe they could try attaching every once in a while. And Glen discovers that Chelsea is thinking of changing her plans for the baby - but plans sometimes have a way of changing themselves.

4. The Truth Hurts
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Everyone needs each other. Spencer needs her family to accept Carmen. Madison needs Ashley to get her into the hottest club in town. Ashley needs Spencer to fill a void in her life. And Aiden needs someone, anyone, to keep him from falling apart.

3. Spencer's New Girlfriend
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Ashley and Aiden keep getting hotter, but when a former prom queen opens Aiden's eyes, things might cool off really quickly. Spencer's heating up a little herself, and the more she gets to know Carmen, the warmer she gets. Meanwhile, Madison's burning for Jake the blogger, and he's seriously fanning the flames.

2. The It Girls
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Ashley and Kyla have $25 million to spend, and they're starting by dropping a chunk of it on a gorgeous new loft as far from Ash's mom as possible. With the two of them finally acting like sisters, maybe Ashley doesn't even need Spencer anymore. Not like she has a choice - Spencer's done with her and is moving on... to the last person she expects. Meanwhile, when the MTV documentary about the prom shooting finally hits the air, Chelsea and the Carlins are forced to come to grips with Clay's death.

1. Though I Walk Through the Valley of Shadows
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Moments after the drive-by shooting at the King High prom, ambulances rush the victims to the ER - and everyone realizes that nothing will be the same again. As Spencer and Ashley rechart their existence in the aftermath, their relationship might not be strong enough to take the strain.