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Where to watch "Shockwave"

33. Episode 33
2008 - Season 1

32. Episode 32
2008 - Season 1
Watch as two men desperately try to rescue a young couple who are trapped in their wrecked vehicle which is now on fire. The first nuclear aircraft carrier in US History is on fire and about to blow while crewmen battle the blaze, then run for their lives as bombs explode from fighter planes parked on deck. Next a police helicopter in pursuit during a high-speed chase suddenly loses power and plummets--a cockpit camera catches the drama. Then England's worst flood in 400 years nearly washes away the town of Boscastle leaving residents on their rooftops pleading for help. While attempting to set a world land speed record a car racing at 250 mph across the famed salt flats flips and crashes. Finally, a stunt driver who wants to flip a burning bus with a dump truck winds up trapped in the burning cab of the flipped truck.

31. Episode 31
2008 - Season 1
Witness a multi-billion dollar stealth bomber with a sensor malfunction come crashing down on the tarmac as American troops are leaving Guam. Then, an EF-5 twister raging at more than 300 miles per hour wipes out the entire town of Manchester, South Dakota--not a single house is left standing. See a foundry in Tacoma, Washington, erupt into flames--the explosion is caused by a tanker truck that is delivering 8,000 gallons of propane. Next, residents of Boscastle, England are left clinging to their rooftops as the worst flood in 400 years washes away the town. Finally, the driver of a BMW race car flips over 13 times just before the finish line.

30. Episode 30
2008 - Season 1
Be there as firefighters in the town of Paris, Texas are caught in a massive back-draft explosion while trying to protect a historic building. Will an American on an African Safari shoot the rogue lion that has killed a ranger, several lionesses and left a village paralyzed in fear? Next, the surviving crew of a top-secret aircraft that crashed during a training mission to rescue Iranian hostages speaks about the tragedy. Then, a 28 foot high wall collapses and the construction crew is buried under tons of cinderblock. Finally, an extreme skier is chased down the mountainside by a cloud of white hell and in one instant is buried underneath the snow.

29. Episode 29
2008 - Season 1

28. Episode 28
2008 - Season 1
Watch as an antique replica plane is racing toward a group of people on the tarmac, pulls up in time not to hit them, but then comes crashing back down and erupts into flames. Then, a trooper's dashboard camera catches a car flipping on black ice as a van on the opposite side of the freeway hits another patch of black ice and barrels into the first vehicle with the driver still inside. Next, follow a group of architects as they assess the damage from an earthquake inside the Basilica in Assisi, Italy. See a fighter plane on the USS Enterprise get slammed in the back by another jet during a routine touch and go exercise. Finally, rescue teams rush to save survivors of a surf boat racing accident, but there is no sign of life.

27. Episode 27
2008 - Season 1
Watch as a plane that is out of fuel attempts to land but one of the wheels on its landing gear is stuck--a ground crew worker attempts to pull the wheel down manually. Terrified crowds run for cover when a rampaging circus elephant tramples his trainer and tears onto the streets of Honolulu. Then, a world renowned helicopter pilot takes a deadly plunge while performing at a Utah air-park. Next, a crane topples into a river while it is attempting to recover a bus that had gone over the side of a bridge--the bus is loaded with passengers. Finally, watch as a boat at the British Grand Prix flips and explodes with a camera in the cockpit filming it all.

26. Episode 26
2008 - Season 1

25. Episode 25
2008 - Season 1

24. Episode 24
2008 - Season 1

23. Episode 23
2008 - Season 1

22. Episode 22
2008 - Season 1

21. Episode 21
2008 - Season 1
Watch as a helicopter in Hawaii crashes and a huge man named Tiny lifts the 1,500 pound chopper by himself, enabling rescuers to pull the pilot out. When a gas tanker explodes on an Oklahoma freeway, area residents have their video camera rolling. In Ohio, the driver of a BMW flips over 13 times before coming to a crashing stop. Next a kayaker in France gets caught in a vicious torrent, turned upside down and cannot right the kayak. Cameras are rolling in the town of Punta Gorda, Florida as storm chasers are caught in the eye of Hurricane Charley. Finally a chariot race for fun turns disastrous as the chariot breaks, and the driver is catapulted 30 feet in the air.

20. Episode 20
2008 - Season 1
A couple out on a lake in Austin, Texas get too close to the dam and their boat is sucked in and swallowed under. With 16 Navy Seals on board, a marine helicopter catches its rear wheel in the steel netting on the edge of an aircraft carrier and crashes into the sea. Just weeks before 911, a parachutist's canopy becomes tangled on the torch of the Statue of Liberty and leaves him dangling hundreds of feet in the air. A man turns a Lincoln Continental into a rocket car and tries to jump over the St. Lawrence Seaway. Lastly, a professional surf photographer is caught in a killer wave, and captures a lot of underwater footage.

19. Episode 19
2008 - Season 1
A camera in the cockpit of the plane of the most elite squad of the US Air Force is filming as it crashes into a fireball, and there is no sign of the pilot. Then watch as a skydiver's chute cord wraps around his instructors neck--they freefall with the instructor out cold. Disaster strikes as stuntman/daredevil Texas Jack Hondo performs his signature stunt while standing atop three sticks of dynamite. Next a man-made avalanche buries a reporter and his cameraman and two racing jet skis collide as they speed to the finish line. Finally a racecar crashes into a pileup on the track, explodes into flames, and all the fire extinguishers are out of foam.

18. Episode 18
2008 - Season 1
Watch as a fire captain sends his son into a burning house--it erupts into a massive fireball trapping the young man inside. Next a dragster driver is stuck in the roll cage after the vehicle breaks in half, then it slams into a wall and erupts in flames. Cameras are rolling as a suicide bomber takes dead aim at a Hum-Vee transporting six marines. Then Jake Brown, a skateboard champion, takes a fall from fifty feet up--the impact is so violent that it literally blows off his shoes. While filming a video about a devastating avalanche, a Turkish folksinger and his crew are buried alive under a mountain of snow in the same area that had been devastated two years prior. Finally a desperate father is faced with leaving his two sons in danger of drowning--or go under himself.

17. Episode 17
2008 - Season 1
Watch as the most sophisticate fighter plane in Air Force history looses part of its wing and crashes into a house. Next a hot air balloon hits a tower with 50,000 volts of electricity running through it--the balloon is snagged and ripping and there are two boys in the basket with no way to reach them. Will motorcycle daredevil Mike Brown survive an attempt at a record setting jump of more than two hundred feet in the air? Then a man wheels a bomb into Harvey's Casino in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, with a demand for three million dollars or he'll blow it up! See one of the world's best stunt skiers coming off a jump and slamming into a ramp--the crash shatters both his ankles. Finally a couple on a four wheeler on the treacherous rock, Lions Back, in Moab, Utah, loose their brakes on the way down and crash at the bottom.

16. Episode 16
2008 - Season 1
Watch footage from a para-gliders helmet cam as he is hit with a thermal updraft that propels him 3,000 feet--then he is sent into a plummeting death spin. While trying to set a world record, stunt man Spanky Spangler attempts jumping a car more than 220 feet but hits the ramp at 90 miles an hour and comes crashing down in Firebird Lake, Arizona. Next a military helicopter carrying reporters explodes into a fireball while news cameras are rolling. Then an out of control speed boat goes airborne at 140 miles an hour, turns nose up, takes two spectacular spins and hurls the driver across the water like a skipping stone. Finally a gas tanker explodes into an inferno and a firefighter falls into the scalding caldron of gasoline--he'll burn to death within 10 seconds.

15. Episode 15
2008 - Season 1

14. Episode 14
2008 - Season 1
Watch as the most powerful stunt plane in history goes down while the pilot's wife and daughter watch in horror from the grand stands. Then a snowmobile hits a mogul, becomes a flying buzz saw and the speeding spikes on the tread hit another racer. A camera mounted on his handle bars tapes the collision. View one of the most horrific race track wrecks ever as a driver is clipped in the rear and slams into the rail. The car then flips and is torn in half by another car. Next, a beautiful Mexican soap star working as an escape artist is chained in a box with powerful explosives. What she doesn't know is that the clock is set for 45 seconds and she thinks she has 60! Her fianc watches helplessly as she is caught in the explosion. Finally a Sunday boat ride turns tragic when the boat is crushed under a huge barge. Can the coast guard rescue 11 people from the resulting whirlpool?

13. Episode 13
2008 - Season 1
Watch as a brave bomb squad technician is forced to pickup a bomb when it blows up in his face. Then a skydiver's pant leg is caught on the planes landing gear and he's dangling at 10 thousand feet! Can modern day Evil Knieval, Bubba Blackwell, set a world record by jumping 22 cars on his motorcycle? Will a female extreme ski racer survive a free-fall of 600 feet on an unforgiving mountain? Finally view the tense scene as a maintenance worker clearing debris from a flooded canal is sucked into a drain. Frantic rescue workers desperately try to keep him from drowning.

12. Episode 12
2008 - Season 1
Watch as a midget car racer crashes and flips several times, then is trapped as the car explodes and engulfs him. Next an 8,000 square foot mansion is sucked into a sinkhole in the hills of San Francisco. A flight instructor is showing another pilot how to recover from a "spin" in a training jet when it spins violently out of control and the ejection system fails. Then a hydroplane speedboat crashes at more than 200 miles an hour. The boat disintegrates, the drivers' capsule fills with water, flips upside down and the driver is drowning while still strapped in his seat. Will a pregnant skydiver survive crashing face first in a parking lot? Finally a helicopter on a rescue mission crashes and erupts into a fireball on a rugged mountain range. The six men on board scramble for their lives and one of the crewmembers is pinned under the nine ton chopper.

11. Episode 11
2008 - Season 1
What begins as a peaceful air show ends in disaster when three planes collide above Ramstein Germany then slam into the runway. Australian stunt driver Ray Bauman attempts a world record by launching a car off a ramp over 229 feet. He nearly goes the distance, but the car nose dives straight into the track from a height of sixty feet. Two years later he tries again. Next, a huge tanker loaded with 80 tons of crude oil breaks in half and erupts into a massive fireball in the Indian Ocean forcing crew members to scramble for the lives. A daredevil parachutist tries a death-defying stunt and takes a terrifying fall. Two window washers hang-on for dear life when their platform breaks loose from a building in downtown Denver. And, firefighters battle a wind-whipped blaze in an Oklahoma City hotel when suddenly a huge hunk of a burning roof collapses and a fireman is swallowed by 500-degree flames.

10. Episode 10
2008 - Season 1
A stunned crowd watches as a top fuel funny car hits the rail at over 100 miles an hour, knocking the driver unconscious, and continues roaring down the track. Next, a mountain biker tries to break his own record by riding his bike down a volcano in Nicaragua. But the rocky surface is too much for the bike, and it literally blows apart. A fighter jet pilot tries to make a routine landing onboard an aircraft carrier but the jet rockets off the edge of the deck and plummets into the Mediterranean. A vertical lift bridge operator accidentally lowers a bridge on a fifteen thousand ton freighter--sheering off the boat's pilot house and 29 ton smoke stake. And a tourist and his girlfriend are posing for pictures in front of the Moi Hole, a seaside cave off the coast of Oahu, when a monster wave unexpectedly sweeps him into the sea.

9. Episode 9
2008 - Season 1
Watch as a derailed train whose cars are loaded with toxic chemicals explodes like a rocket in the Illinois countryside. Then a paramedic rushing to help a wrecked driver at the Daytona International Speedway is hit by another racecar, thrown 30 feet in the air and then hit again by the same car. Can eight people fit into a life raft built for four when their perfect fishing day turns into a nightmare? Relive the day Matt "Kangaroo Kid" Coulter tried to jump his 40 horsepower "quad" over a huge riverboat. Finally a Delta ll Rocket explosion in Cape Canaveral, Florida results in huge chunks of burning metal raining down on the launch pad and surrounding areas.

8. Episode 8
2008 - Season 1
The crew of the Alaskan Monarch is stranded in the freezing tide of the Bearing Sea--an iceberg has snapped the rudder. The rescue that ensues will become one of the most dramatic in Coast Guard history. Watch as daredevil Kangaroo Kid attempts to jump a twenty foot high riverboat on a quad runner with a ramp that is only eight feet high. Then a vengeful man uses a bulldozer to plow down a small town in America's heartland. Will the National Guard be called in to take it out with an anti-tank missile? Next, a navy aviator's ejection seat malfunctions and he's stuck half out of the cockpit as his jet is coming in for landing. Finally, a home video camera rolls as a family is trapped in the worst fire in the history of Southern California.

7. Episode 7
2008 - Season 1
A magician dangling upside-down 70 feet above a river becomes a human fireball; the anatomy of a plane crash in Sioux City, Iowa; a parachutist catches on an airplane's tail; a crime-fighting robot; a pickup truck in a mudslide.

6. Episode 6
2008 - Season 1
Witness the Helistat, a huge experimental craft, consisting of a blimp supported by four helicopters as it crashes and burns on its maiden voyage, killing one chopper pilot. Finally will a kite surfer survive a fall 250 feet straight down?

5. Episode 5
2007 - Season 1

4. Episode 4
2007 - Season 1
Listen to the incredible story of a crewman on an aircraft carrier who was sucked into a jet engine as it was getting ready to take off. Then will more than 500 passengers and crew of the aging cruise ship Oceanos fall victim to a vicious storm and 30-foot seas in the Indian Ocean? Watch as motorcycle Daredevil Ron Brown attempts to break the 200 mile an hour motorcycle land speed record, but a high speed wobble throws his bike off balance. Next an Ethiopian airliner carrying 175 passengers and crew is hi-jacked and the plane runs out of fuel forcing the pilot to attempt a water landing. Finally a fairly small fire suddenly becomes a major explosion when a crude oil tank blows-up in Texas forcing dozens to run for their lives.

3. Episode 3
2007 - Season 1
A television news helicopter loses control over Brooklyn, New York, breaks into pieces and crash lands onto a rooftop. Everything is caught on tape. Watch as an Iowa cameraman and his brother find themselves rescuing their neighbors as a twister rips apart 40 homes. Next, disaster strikes as a Navy bomb is fired from a fighter...and hits another Navy plane. Then, as his family watches, a farmer bulldozes a 50-foot-tall silo down on top of himself. Witness one of the most spectacular accidents in the history of drag racing as a car hits the rail at 280 miles an hour, explodes into a fireball and disintegrates. And a fireworks factory explodes in Devon, England as the entire tiny town takes cover.

2. Episode 2
2007 - Season 1
Witness one of the best stunt pilots in the world slam into the ground at 300 miles an hour and a massive oil tank explosion puts a firefighter on the frontline facedown in the flames. Next, residents of St. George Utah watch as a 3-foot-wide stream turns into a 300-foot-wide raging river that claims dozens of homes. Watch as the installation of a water tower in New Providence Iowa turns into the tower of terror as the crane collapses sending hundreds running for their lives. A Montana sheriff attempts to talk a distraught man out of setting off a bomb, but the whole thing literally blows up in his face. Finally, learn how a cigarette ignited one of the biggest explosions in US History at the PEPCON rocket fuel plant in Henderson, Nevada.

1. Episode 1
2007 - Season 1
The aftermath of a Kansas tornado, rescue operation on Mt. Hood gone awry, missile misfire.