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Where to watch "Numb Chucks"

52. Get Him to Ding-a-Ling Springs

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Dr. Noodle runs some tests and we learn that Buford’s only known spit donor match is none other than Woodchuck Morris! So the Chucks head out in search of their hero. But when they find him, they discover he’s more interested in doing totally awesome things than save Buford. The Chucks are torn like they’ve never been before, forced to choose between their idol and bestest friend. What’s a chuck to do?

51. Twas The Fight Before Christmas

2016 - Season 2

The Chucks must save Christmas after beating up Santa by mistake.

50. Get Him To Ding-A-Ling Springs (2)

2016 - Season 2

Continuing from "Spit-uation Critical", the Chucks finally meet up with Woodchuck Morris and ask him to help Buford.

49. The Chucks Get Stuck in a Hole

No release date yet

Dilweed and Fungus bury their keys, but they can’t remember where. So they dig. And dig. And dig. Soon they’re at the bottom of a massive hole and the entire town assumes they’re trapped. The Chucks become a media sensation as even Woodchuck Morris joins in the telethon to “Save the Chucks.”

48. Ding-A-Ling's Toughest

2016 - Season 2

After a good workout, the Chucks become stronger and bulkier.

47. Chucky Con Carny

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Dilweed and Fungus go to the carnival and are snookered by a crooked carnival game. So naturally they spend more and more money in an attempt to beat it. And once they’re broke, they essentially agree to become carny slaves in order to please the owner, Mama Rainbow, and get one last crack at the bottle chop game. ‘Cause this time its gonna be different!

46. Zen Fu

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Dilweed and Fungus discover that Smackdown Stu, the man who took a million Woodchuck Morris chops to the face, lives right here in Ding-a-ling Springs! Except when they find him, he wants no part of the kung fu game anymore. He’s into yoga and meditation. Poor guy. So the chucks set out to set him straight by showing him punching and kicking, and not peace and serenity, are the answers to the universe.

45. Skidvarks

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Dilweed and Fungus never opened their mail and so they never received a notice that their cable is out. So while trying to rejig their antenna, using Hooves’ antlers no less, they inadvertently pick up a strange TV show about two dimwit aardvarks that seems to be eerily based on their lives.

44. The Choptor Is In

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Buford has injured his hand so Dilweed and Fungus accompany him to the doctor’s office. But in the waiting room, Dilweed inadvertently chops the patients and heals them. Dr. Noodle proclaims he has healing chops! And even better, Dilweed can take over for her as she goes on vacation. Woo hoo! But uh, who is gonna heal Buford?

43. Skid Varks

2016 - Season 2

The Chucks find aardvark rip-offs of themselves on TV.

42. Gum Fu Hustle

No release date yet

Dilweed and Fungus go see Woodchuck Morris’ new action flick, “Gum Fu Hustle.” Later, while imitating some of the moves, they inadvertently get themselves stuck together with chewing gum. Meanwhile, they’re so concerned about the gum in their fur that they never notice the entire town is in a blind panic over an impending meteor colliding with the town.

41. Tongue Fu

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Fungus discovers a new skill after breaking all of his bones; Dilweed and Fungus are stuck together.

40. Gum Fu Hustle

2015 - Season 2

The Chucks have a misadventure with some gum.

39. Children of the Sweetcorn

No release date yet

Woodchuck Morris wins and award at the Kung Fuees and thanks… Granny Sweetcorn! He not only thanks her, but says he owes her everything. Naturally, now the chucks want to know what’s so special about Sweetcorn and they’re all up in her grill and she’s only humoring them to get at Grandma Butternut’s secret weapon. Whatever that is.

38. O Evil Tree, O Evil Tree

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In order to stoke some Christmas cheer, Dilweed and Fungus go tree shopping.

37. Twas the Fight Before Christmas

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Dilweed and Fungus attack and injure an intruder – who just happens to be Santa Claus!

36. The Verminator

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Dilweed accidentally gets all sorts of electrical stuff stuck to him with glue and it convinces Fungus he must be the Verminator, a robot woodchuck sent from the future to destroy him or something. And once he’s cast aside by society, Dilweed retreats to the dump where he eventually leads a robot army on the town.

35. Six More Weeks Of Dumbness

2015 - Season 2

Groundhog Day goes horribly wrong when Ding-A-Ling Springs is sentenced to six more weeks of winter.

34. Enter the Kraken

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The Chucks float lost at sea until they meet a kindly Kraken who takes them back to its lair (to eat them, but they clearly don’t know that.) But soon they also meet the angry pirate who’s been on the tail of his Moby Dick, the very same Kraken who has a taste for bros with popped collars (and apparently woodchucks).

33. Dilligan's Island

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Most of Ding-a-Ling Springs gets stranded on a deserted island; Dilweed and Fungus get lost at sea.

32. Night Hooves

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The chucks notice Hooves sneaking off one night and decide to follow. I mean, where can he be going? It’s not like he has friends. And yet he does. Hooves is hanging out with his Moose friends in a private club. And so the Chucks go undercover as Moose to try and figure out what dastardly plan the club has. Except Hooves catches them and says of course they don’t. But then the club leader interrupts, “Actually…”

31. Bling-a-Ling Springs

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Ding-a-ling Springs is rated the worst town in the world. Dilweed and Fungus are mortified and worried they’re insulting the legacy of Woodchuck Morris (who was born in said crummy town). So they set out to make it better and along the way amass a gigantic pile of cash. Which they use to spend on everyone in town, hoping to make them happier. But of course it only makes things worse. So now they need to take everything back to hopefully re-set the world order.

30. Dazed and Contused

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Buford, in an effort not to embarrass himself in front of his LARPing friends, pretends not to know the Chucks. Naturally they assume he must have amnesia. So they set out to whack him in the head and get him right again which of course gives him amnesia. But new Buford is a pretty great guy. So now no one really wants him to change back.

29. When a Stranger Calls and Calls and Calls...

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Hooves pretends to be Woodchuck Morris in an attempt to keep the Chucks away from what he hopes is his prize winning gourd. But then Buford gets a similar idea and Dilweed and Fungus are pulling in every direction thanks to endless calls from their “hero.”

28. What About Winky?

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Dilweed and Fungus go to a taping of their favourite show, the “Winky the Mole Show”, but they accidentally wander onto set and become stars on live TV. Soon they’re sharing the stage with Winky until eventually they’ve not only replaced him, but they’ve taken over every channel. But the Chucks are bummed. They want Winky the Mole back! Too bad Winky doesn’t want to fart on TV anymore.

27. The Place Beyond the Porcupines

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Weird bears start asking questions; Dilweed and Fungus wander onto a TV set and become stars.

26. Are You Smarter Than a Woodchuck?

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Dilweed and Fungus injure an intruder; Dilweed and Fungus go shopping for a Christmas tree.

25. Numbsicles

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Buford runs out of spit after yelling so much at Dilweed and Fungus.

24. Witless to the Prosecution

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Buford is accused of stealing the Salmon of Justice and is put on trial for fishnappin’. The Chucks, convinced of his innocence and eager to wear suspenders, offer to be his lawyers and show the court that Buford couldn’t have possibly done that thing that people say he did. Oh, what’s that? Steal the salmon of justice? Yeah, he probably did that.

23. Back To The Kung Future

2015 - Season 2

The Chucks are convinced by Buford that they woke up in the future.

22. The Chuck Stops Here

No release date yet

The Chucks find a strange TV show that looks like it's based on their lives.

21. A Flock of Steven Seagulls

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The Chucks help Quills overcome his fear of flying; Dilweed takes over for Dr. Noodle.

20. The Iceman Dumb-Eth

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Fungus discovers a new skill after breaking all of his bones; Dilweed and Fungus are stuck together.

19. Tough Love

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Woodchuck Morris thanks Granny Sweetcorn when he wins an award.

18. You Snooze You Bruise

2015 - Season 2

The Chucks train kids to protect themselves while babysitting them.

17. Up Chuck

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Most of Ding-a-Ling Springs gets stranded on a deserted island; Dilweed and Fungus get lost at sea.

16. End of the Vine

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The Chucks discover Hooves is a member of a weird moose club.

15. Hooves Line Is It Anyways?

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Dilweed and Fungus think Woodchuck Morris is trying to give them directives; Buford gets amnesia.

14. Sheepover Party

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Weird bears start asking questions; Dilweed and Fungus wander onto a TV set and become stars.

13. Woodchuck Boris

2015 - Season 2

The Chucks mistake a guy dressed as Woodchuck Morris for the real one.

12. Artificial Dumbness

No release date yet

Buford convinces the Chucks they have woke up 1,000 years into the future.

11. Germs of Endearment

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Dilweed and Fungus watch Lenny the Crossing Goose's corner while he recuperates.

10. Quills and Present Danger

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Dilweed and Fungus set Hooves up on a date with Granny; the Chucks find a caveman in a block of ice.

9. From Dusk Til Dawn

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Dilweed and Fungus lose Hooves' prized kite; the Chucks' TV is stolen.

8. Good Quill Hunting

2015 - Season 2

After getting the hiccups scared from her, Quills loses her quills.

7. The Birds and the Trees

No release date yet

Dilweed and Fungus go to meet Woodchuck Morris at a mall signing.

6. Beaver Fever

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Dilweed and Fungus make themselves sick and conjure up a snot monster.

5. As the Worm Turns

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Dilweed and Fungus accidentally get Dawn Dingledash fired; Quills saves the Chucks' lives.

4. Chucky Charms

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The Chucks are attacked by trees; Dilweed and Fungus scare the hiccups out of Quills.

3. The Ballad of Flappy Joe

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Fungus finds out he has a tapeworm inside him; Fungus accidentally has his tail flattened.

2. Orange Is the New Black Belt

No release date yet

Quills invites the Chucks to Pinheads to show them something.

1. Age of Ignorance

No release date yet

The Chucks find out that Fugus is older than Dilweed by 15 seconds; Buford is granted a wish.

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