42. Show Me the Mummy!

1997 - Season 1

The final episode. Joe has become intent on finding out who and what these Mummies are. He hosts a KKIM radio broadcast asking to hear from those who have had run ins with the Mummies. Many clips from previous episodes are included. He hears from nine people who saw the following: * The fight with the dough monster in Kid Scarab. * The championship fight between Armon and Talos in Body Slam. * Armon saving a hotdog cart in A Dark and Shrieky Night. This is the hotdog merchant calling. * The costume dance in Missing Ja-Kal. * Fighting the huge Scarab in My Dad the Hero. * Fighting Nuhn in High Nuhn. * At Golden Gate park, fighting Apep's gang and then fighting Scarab and the Shabti in Desert Chic. * The Mummies' performance in the Chinatown club in A Dark and Shrieky Night. * Last is Bix Bingsley's story: He kissed one! Three scenes from True Believer.

41. We've Got One!

1997 - Season 1

While the Mummies are fighting Scarab, Rath crashes into Bob the policeman, and they are both knocked unconscious. Together, they get taken to the hospital. Joe is excited, thinking Rath is a genuine space alien, but he is soon pushed aside by Federal Investigator Phillips who takes over. Phillips analyzes Rath with the intent of turning him over to ""the General"" so that he can get ""promoted out of this backroom deskjob to where the real action is"". When ""the General"" finally arrives, Phillips' efforts are to be rewarded with a transfer to Antarctica.

40. The Heart's Arrow (3)

1997 - Season 1

Ja-Kal contemplates about Kimas, about his own son, and about his duty. Rath realizes that if they destroy Arakh's scorpion charm, then Arakh's scorpion suit will be sent back through the Western Gate forever, taking Arakh with it. But Arakh had lost the scorpion charm at the museum exhibit, and the exhibit was being taken away in a truck. The Mummies catch up to the truck just as Scarab in his helicopter also reaches it. The helicopter takes the exhibit crashing back to Scarab's lair due to Heka's inexpert flying. Arakh finds his charm. The Mummies meet with Kimas at Beefy Burger. Kimas leads Ja-Kal into a trap at Fort Point, but finds out that his own father was the one lying. Kimas defends Ja-Kal from Arakh and destroys the charm sending himself and Arakh back through the Western Gate.

39. New Mummy in Town (2)

1997 - Season 1

Scarab now calls forth Kimas' spirit. Heka tells Kimas about the modern world and he takes a skateboard and goes out to explore. Nefer-Tina and Armon see Kimas in trouble, but he easily mummyhandles the bunch of goons attacking him. Not knowing who he is, Nefer-Tina and Armon take Kimas first, to Beefy Burger, and then to a dance hall. Scarab and his Shabti attack, and Nefer-Tina and Armon learn that Kimas is a mummy and teach him to transform. They escape in the Hot-Ra and are chased down Lombard Street. In the battle Kimas nails Scarab. Ja-Kal and Kimas finally reunite, but Ja-Kal is extremely cautious and won't take Kimas back with them yet. Kimas goes back to Scarab and tells him how he just about had the Mummies' trust.

38. Brother's Keeper (1)

1997 - Season 1

A new exhibit is featured at the museum. Two mummy cases are included, and the Mummies note that one is labeled ""Kimas"" and the other ""Scorpion"". When Ja-Kal opens a case, Set and Anubis attack him. They were stealing the mummies and the sarcophoguses for Scarab. They escape, and head back to Scarab's lair. Scarab, Set, and Anubis summon the ""Scorpion of the Desert"" from beyond the Western Gate. The spirit of Arakh, Ja-Kal's brother returns. Ja-Kal recalls back to when Amenhotep made Arakh his spear bearer. Ja-Kal had saved his life from a lion, but Arakh was bitter and made jealous when Ja-Kal was made the leader of the Royal Hunt. Ja-Kal continues recalling how Arakh helped Scarab defeat them to kill Prince Rapses. Ja-Kal and Arakh have their first big confrontation in the museum.

37. My Dad the Hero

1997 - Season 1

Presley's father arrives unexpectedly for the weekend. Presley is delighted to see him. Presley's father is not the most honorable man. He secretly picks up a rock and gives it to Presley calling it a magic rock to ward off evil spirits. He takes Presley to the amusement park and cheats to help Presley ring the bell. He continuously lies about the great expeditions and battles he's been involved in. But worst of all, he steals the museum's Crown of Ramses the Great, to sell to Scarab. When he admits to Presley that he stole it, Presley is crushed, but Nefer-Tina chears Presley up. ""Whoever acquires the Crown develops unimaginable powers."" Scarab puts the Crown on and becomes huge and all-powerful. When Presley's dad helps the Mummies try to defeat the huge Scarab, Presley regains his faith in his dad. They make up, and his dad takes his leave.

36. Who's Who?

1997 - Season 1

A Chinese fire-breathing dragon comes to life. Joe and Bob's policecar go up in flames. It is the handywork of Bes. Bes changes identities: First Ja-Kal with Nefer-Tina, then Armon with Rath, and then Scarab with Ammut (right when Scarab as Mr. Harris Stone is making a speech where he starts barking and howling like a dog). Heka's reaction to Scarab in Ammut's body is priceless. Next Presley is exchanged with Kahti, and finally in the middle of battle, Armon who is in Rath's body exchanges bodies with Heka.

35. True Believer

1997 - Season 1

The Mummies buy clothes to better blend in with the people. Ja-Kal and Armon look great in their suits. Rath looks ""common"" in his muscle shirt (number 6) and red baseball hat he is wearing backwards. Nefer-Tina gets a red cape at the Naxx store. Her nerdy sales clerk, Bix Bingsley, becomes infatuated with Nefer-Tina and asks her out. Nefer-Tina is flattered. Outside the Shabti attack. The sales clerk gets injured and the Mummies take him to the hospital. Nefer-Tina feels bad for him. Meanwhile Scarab decides to offer $10,000 to anyone who can lead him to the Mummies. He gets Hally Bessie Bingabell to announce this on her TV show, ""The Incredible Truth"". When Bingsley wins the $10,000, Scarab plants a tracer on him to lead him to the Mummies, which he does ... eventually. Nefer-Tina ends up saving Bingsley from Scarab. She apologises to Bix for what she put him through and gives him a kiss.

34. Honey, I Shrunk the Mummies

1997 - Season 1

Rath is trying an incantation to invoke the power of a Talisman (a bug-like amulet). Rath translated the incantation incorrectly into: ""By the spirit that guides us all, make me as the beetle strong"" and it does not work. When Armon reads it, he says it correctly where the last word is ""small"" and not ""strong"". Instantly all four Mummies shrink to the size of cockroaches. In their quest to reverse the spell, Ja-Kal gets swatted by Presley; Nefer-Tina almost gets swallowed by Presley; and Armon gets stepped on by him. Kahti tries to eat the Mummies and swats Nefer-Tina and Armon. When Kahti finally recognizes them she gives Rath a big lick. Charlie, the janitor, mops them up. Armon and Ja-Kal end up in the mop pail. Rath and Nefer-Tina get attacked by a spider. Armon gets stuck in Charlie's pocket. Rath and Nefer-Tina make a flight on a paper airplane.

33. The Bird-Mummy of Alcatraz

1997 - Season 1

Presley and the Mummies go on a tour of Alcatraz. Armon takes a side trip to the dining hall and the Mummies and Presley lose the group. Scarab uses Shabti to make the tour guide believe everyone is back on the tour boat, and the boat leaves. Ja-Kal becomes separated from the others and Scarab locks him in a prison cell. Scarab brings forth the prison spirits to go after Rapses for him. Escaping the spirits, the other Mummies see Ja-Kal in the cell and bust him out. A giant firebird - the evil spirit of the island then goes after them.

32. Object of His Affections

1997 - Season 1

Talos is back, and he is in love with San Francisco's famous Statue of Victory and he takes the statue. Scarab offers to bring his ""girlfriend"" to life if Talos would bring Prince Rapses (Presley) to him. So Talos goes after Presley. The Mummies cannot stop him, and let him take Presley back to find Scarab. Nefer-Tina hides and pretending to be the voice of the statue, convinces Talos that Scarab has lied to him.

31. Tree O'Clock Rock

1997 - Season 1

Scarab believes the Tree of Life can make him younger again, so he hires Bes to get the Tree for him. Bes uses magic and a tree moving machine to move the Tree of Life, but never said anything about promising delivery to Scarab. With the Tree of Life removed, every living thing gets old ... plants age, milk goes sour, and all the people in the city get very old. Presley looks like one of the seven dwarfs with long white hair and a beard. Even Scarab gets wrinkles on his wrinkles and later grows a beard. The Mummies are of course immune, since they are not alive. It is up to them to save the day.

30. Eye of the Beholder

1997 - Season 1

Mr. Huxley and his class (including Presley) are touring the Fisherman's Wharf. Chontra terrifies them with spirits and leaves a cat statue that the Mummies take back to their Sphinx. Chontra uses the statue as a gateway to get to the Sphinx. Her goal is revenge on Rath, so she distracts the other Mummies by changing into people in their thoughts. Ja-Kal thinks back to his wife Tia and their baby son, and Chontra becomes Tia. For Armon, she changes into his mother and brings him food. She then becomes Nefer-Tina's friend Kenna, who never knew she was a girl. With those three out of the way, she changes into Ja-Kal to fool Presley and ready herself for the final battle with Rath. But what is Chontra really? At the end of the show she taunts Rath with: ""You can't face what I really am"", and she then becomes Medusa.

29. Monster Truck Mania

1997 - Season 1

The Monster Truck Rally of the Century is taking place, and Bubba Baxter, Presley's race-truck driver friend is entered. Bubba accidentally gets knocked out, so the Mummies and Presley drive the unconscious Bubba's truck in the race for him. Meanwhile, Geb - the mighty Spirit of the Earth - wants to take his mud bath in peace, but he is right in the path of the race. The mud makes inanimate objects come to life, so the trucks in the race change into Monster Trucks. These include a bear, a horse, a lion, a skull, and Bubba's truck becomes a shark.

28. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Huxley

1997 - Season 1

Presley and the Mummies are at school to get the stone obelisk that brought Chontra in Good Bye Mr. Cheops. Presley gets stopped by Mr. Huxley, who tries out this ""science project"" and gets changed into ""Milton the Magnificent"". He gets laser powers and a whole new personality. Milton steals a car, robs an Automated Teller Machine, and heads to the Albatross Pub where he hands out money freely. He likes his changed form and wants to make the effects permanent. Ja-Kal accidentally gets zapped by the obelisk and becomes ""Jeky the Great"". Milton and Jeky go for a joy ride taking Presley with them and they battle it out on a runaway cablecar. The obelisk ends up at the bottom of the Bay.

27. Pepped with Good Intention

1997 - Season 1

Nefer-Tina wishes on a star for someone to love her. Somehow that wish brings Apep back through the Western Gate. He is in the same human form known as Pep as he was in Desert Chic, and again wants Nefer-Tina to be his queen. Nefer-Tina still has her affection for Apep, but says she is sworn to protect Rapses. Apep then delivers Presley to Scarab, with the hope of double-crossing Scarab in order to please Nefer-Tina. But things do not go as they should and Apep again has to undo what he has done.

26. A Dark and Shrieky Night

No release date yet

The un-bulked Mummies find themselves far from home. They have to struggle to make it back to their Sarcophagi in time to get recharged. Our recurring bickering cops, Joe and Bob, come close to nabbing them along the way. All four Mummies involved.

25. Water, Water Everywhere...

1997 - Season 1

Scarab summons Nuhn who starts drying up the city's water supply. With the city out of water, Scarab is able to sell water at $100 a bottle and bring in lots of cash. The Mummies put Kahti in one of the bottles to lead them to Scarab. Finally, they drive out to Death Valley with Nuhn following. Can you say ""evaporation""?

24. Married to the Geb

No release date yet

Geb, the spirit of the earth, is having marital problems with his wife, Nut, spirit of the sky. The Mummies get caught in the middle.

23. Kid Scarab

1997 - Season 1

Scarab turns himself into a kid with a purple backpack and a purple baseball hat that he wears backwards. Heka hides in his backpack. Meanwhile, the Mummies are acting as chaperones for a Community Center field trip to tour the Acme Bakery. Scarab casts a spell on the dough and it turns into an oversized dough-boy.

22. Loss of Face

No release date yet

Nefertina becomes a famous fashion model after she is 'dusted' with special 'diamond powder' Scarab had intended for himself. He has to grab Nefertina to get the diamond powder back. Nefertina ponders a life beyond the Mummies.

21. Tempting Offer

No release date yet

Scarab gets Chantra to turn herself into an appealing girl to lure Presley to him. But Chantra, overhearing what Scarab plans to get from Presley (eternal youth), decides to keep it for herself. All four Mummies are ordered by Presley to protect his mum Amanda, but must also rescue Presley from Scarab and Chantra.

20. Ghouls' Gold

1997 - Season 1

The ghosts of gold-rush miners are accidentally invoked by Scarab.

19. Missing Ja-Kal

No release date yet

Ja-Kal, fearful that he's become a danger to the others, leaves the team. The others fall to bickering and infighting. Presley helps hold them together until they can get him back.

18. Sleight of Hand

1997 - Season 1

Scarab dares the Mummies to face him in the Challenge of the Maze. This is an ancient challenge where the winner gets the right to be the Pharaoh's protector. The Mummies faced a lot of these challenges in the past and had never lost. No magic is allowed, but Scarab uses the ""magic of technology"" to aid him. First he defeats Rath with a powerful magnet. Then he defeats Armon by tricking him into the path of a subway train. He defeats Nefer-Tina by temporarily blinding her. He tries to use projectors to decoy Ja-Kal, but Presley clues Ja-Kal in and Ja-Kal defeats Scarab.

17. Miscast

No release date yet

Presley is told emphatically NOT to mess with something because Rath knows he can't handle it. Presley goes ahead anyway - and unleashes Talos.

16. The Face in the Mirror

No release date yet

Scarab locates and raises the remains of a sunken ship containing Egyptian artifacts on its own artificial island. Presley falls into a trance-like state and heads off for the island. The Mummies follow, and Rath learns that if Presley looks at a magic mirror in the cargo then Scarab will obtain his Spirit of the Pharaoh.

15. The Egyp-Tsu Kid

1997 - Season 1

To fight off a bothering bully, Armon teaches Presely self-defense. In a bit of role reversal, Presley ends up ultimately saving the bully from a Spook House trap intended for Presley.

14. The Prince and the Presley

No release date yet

When Scarab focuses all the powers of his magic at Rapses, in the hopes of obtaining the Spirit of Pharaoh, an explosive separation occurs instead. When the smoke clears, Presley finds himself in 1525BC Egypt, being attended to by princely servants, while the personality of Rapses, with all of its royal pretensions, finds himself in the body of a 20th century American seventh grader.

13. Reunion

1997 - Season 1

In a clever plot by Scarab, Pharoah Amenhotep I comes back in spirit form. When Presley and the other Mummies are fooled by the spirit, it is up to Jakal to pull the wrapping off their eyes.

12. Dog Bites Mummy

1997 - Season 1

When snoopy classmate Elaine tries to discover Presley's secret, Presley and the Mummies must fight off Scarab, save Elaine, and still keep their secret under wraps.

11. The Curse of Sekhmet

No release date yet

The Mummies are forced to team with Scarab to defeat raging goddess Sekhmet. She has unleashed various plagues on San Francisco because modern society's failure to respect her. It falls to Rath to trust in his own 'mortal' abilities to outwit Sekhmet and save them all.

10. Paws

No release date yet

When imperious, cat goddess Bastet appears, Nefertina and all city cats are driven crazy. Bastet is furious that cats are no longer worshipped. Nefertina abandons the others to be with cat goddess Bastet.

9. Body Slam

1997 - Season 1

A weakening Armon seeks to prove himself by entering a 'toughest' man competition. He must face TALOS, the bronze giant, in the finale.

8. Good Bye Mr. Cheops

1997 - Season 1

Rath is stalked by former love CHANTRA, a vain enchantress who appears as Presley's substitute teacher when Mr. Huxley is sent to the demon-filled world beyond the Western Gate.

7. Dead Man Walking

1997 - Season 1

An amnesiac Rath must swallow his pride and depend on the help of homeless strangers to survive. Meanwhile, Scarab ""drains the years"" out of the homeless in order to extend his own life.

6. High Nuhn

1997 - Season 1

While Scarab yearns to be younger (invoking water spirit NUHN to find the fountain of youth), Presley yearns to be older, to win an eighth-grade girl's heart.

5. Desert Chic

1997 - Season 1

Nefertina, frustrated by lack of respect, falls in love with a charming biker who in truth is the snake demon Apep, who is looking to take revenge on the family of 'boy prince.'

4. The Gift of Geb

No release date yet

Scarab invokes the earth spirit Geb to help defeat the mummies and grab the boy in time for the eclipse. They get Ja-Kal and demand Presley give himself up or Ja-Kal will die. Presley goes, and the eclipse nears, but he and the other mummies foil Scarab.

3. Pack to the Future

No release date yet

Scarab sends a pack of animal spirits after Presley, who is out camping with his mom. Scarab discovers that an approaching eclipse is the key to using the boy to gain immortality. Set and Anubis first seen. All four struggle with first 'modern life' encounters.

2. Sleep Walk Like an Egyptian

1997 - Season 1

Scarab's mysterious scorpion puts Presley into a dreamlike state.

1. Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra

No release date yet

Scarab is introduced and attacks Presley, but Mummies appear to protect him. Nefertina is revealed to be a female, and the stage is set.

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