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Where to watch "Cybersix"

13. The Final Confrontation
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Cybersix and Data-7 confront Von Reichter just as he's about to destroy the city with a living bomb.

12. Daylight Devil
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Von Reichter sends Griselda out to seek and destroy Cybersix.

11. The Greatest Show in Meridiana
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Jose fakes a circus show as a ruse to capture Cybersix and Data-7.

10. The Eye
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An artificial eye hypnotizes people to stand on the streets.

9. Full Moon Fascination
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One night, Cybersix saves Lucas, who has been attacked by a werewolf. The werewolf slashed across Lucas' shoulder during this fight.

8. Gone With the Wings
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One night, the Winged Goblins streak in to Meridiana City. They irrupt into a subway and cause panic within the passengers.

7. Brainwashed
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A police officer, Henrique, is a good friend of Julian. Julian too takes a special liking to him, and tells him about the encounter with Cybersix.

6. Blue Birds of Horror
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Meridiana city is filled with the countless blue birds, which begin to attack people in the city.

5. Lori Is Missing
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Lori, a female student at Meridiana High School is in love with Adrian. However, she sees Cybersix and assumes that she is having a relationship with Adrian.

4. Yashimoto, Private Eye
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Jose visits a competent private detective, Yashimoto, to ask him to conduct an investigation on Cybersix. Since Yashimoto doesn't quite trust Jose, he turns it down even though Jose offers him a load of money.

3. Terra
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Von Reichter creates Terra from mud. Terra is given the special power to absorb people's abilities by simply touching them.

2. Data 7 & Julian
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Cybersix meets an orphaned boy named Julian, as well as her long lost brother Data-7.

1. The Mysterious Shadow
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A mysterious woman named "Cybersix" appears in the city of Meridiana.