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Where to watch "Those Who Kill"

12. Fortidens skygge (Shadow Of The Past ) Part 2
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11. Fortidens skygge (Shadow Of The Past ) Part 1
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10. Deadly Game (Part Two)
2011 - Season 1
By pure chance, the body of a young female murder victim is discovered, seconds before it disappears forever into the flames of a municipal incinerator. Katrine Ries Jensen and Thomas Schaeffer are confronted with an apparently perfect murder. The killer is a total psychopath, who plans his killings in minute detail and is not afraid to play cat and mouse with the police. Meanwhile, Katrine meets a charming man who seems to be the perfect partner for her – were it not for the fact that he is married. The relationship swiftly becomes much more serious than she has anticipated, but the man in question proves to be harboring far more secrets than she could possibly have imagined...

9. Deadly Game (Part One)
2011 - Season 1
By pure chance, the body of a young female murder victim is discovered, seconds before it disappears forever into the flames of a municipal incinerator. Katrine Ries Jensen and Thomas Schaeffer are confronted with an apparently perfect murder. The killer is a total psychopath, who plans his killings in minute detail and is not afraid to play cat and mouse with the police. Meanwhile, Katrine meets a charming man who seems to be the perfect partner for her – were it not for the fact that he is married. The relationship swiftly becomes much more serious than she has anticipated, but the man in question proves to be harboring far more secrets than she could possibly have imagined...

8. Eye for an Eye (Part Two)
2011 - Season 1
When the badly beaten body of a man is found, Copenhagen Homicide is soon able to connect the murder to an incipient war between Eastern European drug gangs. Fortunately, the police have managed to insert an undercover officer as driver for the gang leader. But ThomasSchaeffer suspects that something else is involved here, something far more personal than just a settling of accounts between drug dealers. And when the undercover officer also turns up dead, he must make a perilous decision – one with far-reaching consequences for himself, Copenhagen Homicide and his family.

7. Eye for an Eye (Part One)
2011 - Season 1
When the badly beaten body of a man is found, Copenhagen Homicide is soon able to connect the murder to an incipient war between Eastern European drug gangs. Fortunately, the police have managed to insert an undercover officer as driver for the gang leader. But ThomasSchaeffer suspects that something else is involved here, something far more personal than just a settling of accounts between drug dealers. And when the undercover officer also turns up dead, he must make a perilous decision – one with far-reaching consequences for himself, Copenhagen Homicide and his family.

6. 6. Seizoen finale - De schaduw van het verleden
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Schaeffer maakt het goed met zijn ex-vrouw en neemt ontslag om aan de universiteit te gaan werken. Vlak voor zijn laatste dag duikt een oude zaak opnieuw op, waardoor Schaeffer niet weg kan.

5. 5. Een dodelijk spel
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Het lichaam van een jonge vrouw wordt gevonden vlak voordat het verdwijnt in een afvalverbrandingsinstallatie.

4. 4. Oog om oog
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Het zwaar toegetakelde lijk van een man wordt gelinkt aan een conflict tussen Oost-Europese drugsbendes.

3. 3. Slecht bloed
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Een zeventienjarige die in een van de grootste gevangenissen van Denemarken wordt vastgehouden, wordt misbruikt en gedood.

2. 2. Utopia
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Een gezin wordt vermoord teruggevonden in hun huis zonder duidelijke motief. Terwijl het onderzoek vordert, wordt een ander gezin ontvoerd en gevangen gehouden in hun eigen huis.

1. 1. Het lijk in het bos
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In een bos ten noorden van Kopenhagen worden de skeletten van vier jonge vrouwen gevonden. DCI Katrine Ries Jensen en forensisch psychiater Thomas Schaeffer nemen de zaak aan.