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Where to watch "SilverHawks"

65. Airshow
1986 - Season 1
In the series finale, what starts out as an air show for the Bedlama Independence Day celebration turns into an all-out battle royal between the Silverhawks and the Mob.

64. Zeek's Power
1986 - Season 1
Zeek steals Hotwing's powers from the orb sent from Earth to recharge them.

63. Uncle Rattler
1986 - Season 1
The Rattler, an old adversary of Condor's and Yess-Man"s uncle rips off the mob during a heist of the Silverhawks payroll shipment. Mon-Star goes after him as Condor and Moonstryker attempt to bring Rattler in.

62. The Harder They Fall
1986 - Season 1
Hardware rebuilds the giant Sky Shadow with the intent of towing it to Brimstar for the biggest jailbreak and mob recruitment Limbo has ever seen. It is up to Flashback and Hotwing in a giant Tallyhawk to stop them.

61. The Invisible Destroyer
1986 - Season 1
Hardware builds a Laser Satellite that is invisible in Limbo's artificial sun. While testing booster rockets he attached to the Hot Seat, Copper Kid crash lands on Brimstar and is placed inside the satellite with the hopes of destroying him on the Mob's mind. The Mob plans to use Laser Satellite to conquer Bedlama. Can Moonstryker and Flashback save the Copper Kid and destroy the satellite? Find out on Silverhawks.

60. Stargazer's Refit
1986 - Season 1
Mon-Star orders Mo-Lec-U-Lar to take out Commander Stargazer with Meltdown Disks. After his arm is enjured in Mo-Lec-U-Lar"s first attack, Stargazer is ordered back to Earth for a repair and refit.

59. Match-Up
1986 - Season 1
Hardware and Windhammer rip off a money ship. Hardware gets away but Condor and Moonstriker capture Windhammer and put him in jail on the Penal Planet. Then Windhammer arranges a spectacular boxing match inside the prison but it's all a diversion to cover Windhammers escape.

58. Small World
1986 - Season 1
Hardware shrinks Automata in an attempt to take it past the Light Year Limit to change its function so as to make all the money the Mob wants. It is up to Hotwing, Flashback, Condor and Moonstryker to stop them.

57. Battle Cruiser
1986 - Season 1
The Mob steals weapons from the Silverhawks vehicles to arm a battle cruiser in a plan to take over Earth's mob. It is up to new Silverhawks Condor and Moonstryker to stop them.

56. Burnout
1986 - Season 1
Zero the memory thief steal Professor Powers memory and focuses all the energy of the artificial sun on Hawk Haven. The Steel Twins and Commander Stargazer are trapped and the temperature keeps rising. It's up to Hotwing to rescue Professor Powers from his cell in the depths of Monstars fortress but Yes Man gets the drop on him.

55. Diamond Stick-Pin
1986 - Season 1
After Zeek and Seymour have a falling out, Hardware hires him as the Mob's limo driver only with the plan for Zeek to be used as a pawn to destroy the Silverhawks with a diamond stick pin bomb Hardware gives him.

54. Moon*Star
1986 - Season 1
In order to keep Mon-Star from obtaining a piece of the Moonstar, Flashback and his fighting hawk Backlash go back in time to try and prevent Pokerface from giving it to Mon-Star. They must go back in time again to face supercharged Mon-Star this time with the help of the Copper Kid.

53. Sneak Attack, Part 2
1986 - Season 1
Quicksilver and Hotwing slap Monstar in the Penal Planet but Hardware frees his boss by capturing the Moon Star light in a magical power pack. Monstar swears to destroy the SilverHawks and Hawk Haven.

52. Sneak Attack, Part 1
1986 - Season 1
Commander Stargazer sends Quicksilver and Hotwing on a dangerous mission on Brimsta.. Their mission? To arrest Monstar for all his crimes against Limbo's people. They use Seymours space cab for transportation but Mumbo Jumbo attacks the space cab.

51. Gangwar, Part 2
1986 - Season 1
When the SilveHawks jail Buzzsaw and Harware in the Penal Planet, Monstar orders the Mob to free them and the first step is to rebuild the Sky Chomper. Yes Man flies the Sky Chomper to the Penal Planet and sets Harddware and Buzzsaw free. Now Monstar is out for revenge and the Sky Chomper starts taking chunks out of Hawk Haven.

50. Gangwar, Part 1
1986 - Season 1
Melodia and Pokerface decide to take over the Mob. First they try to run out Monstar then they take on Hardware and Buzzsaw. Quicksilver tries to rescue Hardware and Buzzsaw and risks almost certain destruction in the light year limit. Then when Monstar swears revenge on Pokerface and Melodia, only the SilverHawks can prevent gang war in Limbo.

49. Window in Time
1986 - Season 1
When Hardware accidently finds a window in time he travels back in time to before the Silverhawks left Earth for the galaxy of Limbo.Flashback follows him and trys to stop him from sabotaging the Mirage and stopping the Silverhawks from reaching Limbo. But can he do it in time?

48. Junkyard Dog
1986 - Season 1
Molecular and Vultor ambush a case addressed to commander Stargazer. The case contains new mechanical parts, without which command Stargazer will not be able to survive another 12 hours.

47. Switch
1986 - Season 1
Quicksilver, Bluegrass and the Steel Twins encounter a space cyclone that has a reversing effect and turn evil. They land in the Penal Planet after robbing Dolar and once the effects of the space cyclone wear off, must be rescued by Copper Kid to redeem themselves and stop the Mob from destroying Hawk Haven.

46. The Chase
1986 - Season 1
Lord Cash entrusts a new vault key to the Silverhawks for safe keeping. Mo-Lec-U-Lar leads Steelwill on a wild goose chase around Limbo but, Steelwill tricks Mo-Lec-U-lar with a disguise of his own to get the key back.

45. The Bounty Hunter Returns
1986 - Season 1
The Bounty Hunter escapes from the Penal Planet and seeks to get his revenge against the Silverhawks. It is up to Hotwing to save the Silverhawks from the Bounty Hunter's wrath.

44. The Illusionist
1986 - Season 1
Mon-Star puts Hotwing under the spell of the Lightstar in order to destroy the Silverhawks.

43. The Star of Bedlama
1986 - Season 1
When PokerFace gets his hands on a million dollar diamond he'll try anything to keep it including a double cross that sends BlueGrass right into an ambush.

42. The Blue Door
1986 - Season 1
While Mo-Lec-U-Lar disguises himself as Mon-Star and leads the rest of the mob on an all-out raid on Dolar, the real Mon-Star and Hardware plot to take out Commander Stargazer by blowing up Hawk Haven's Power Room.

41. Super Birds
1986 - Season 1
The Mob builds a giant Sky-Shadow to defeat the Silverhawks but, is defeated by a giant Tally Hawk courtesy of Professor Power and the Amber Amplifier.

40. Flashback
1986 - Season 1
A Silverhawk from the future named Flashback goes back in time to prevent the Silverhawks destruction at the hands of the mob.

39. A Piece of the Action
1986 - Season 1
Mon-Star attempts to extort Bedlama's treasury by threatening to blow up Lake Luster Dam.

38. Eye of Infinity
1986 - Season 1
MonStar gets his hands on the notorious Eye of Infinity the most destructive force in the universe. Hotwing mounts a daring solo mission to retrieve the eye before Hardware discovers its deadly secrets but MonStar and the Mob are ready and waiting and Hotwing gets the hottest reception of his life.

37. Undercover
1986 - Season 1
A series of space tanker high-jackings hit Limbo Galaxy because the Mob wants to put Limbo's sun out of business and create their own sun on Brimstar.

36. Tally-Hawk Returns
1986 - Season 1
In another attempt to destroy the Silverhawks, the Mob steals Tally-Hawk's controller from Quicksilver.

35. Melodia's Siren Song
1986 - Season 1
Wind Hammer Brews a red dust storm to rip off a space freighter that's carrying a massive gold shipment. When Quicksilver and Taly-Hawk race to the crime scene Hardware gives them a piece of his mind. can Hotwing save the day?

34. Gotbucks
1986 - Season 1
Lord Cash hires Gotbucks as Dolar's new security chief. The Mob kidnaps Gotbucks in an attempt to rob Dolar of all Limbo's money. Can the Silverhawks save Gotbucks and prevent the great bank robbery? Find out on Silverhawks?

33. Airshow
No release date yet
Mon*star sets out to destroy the SilverHawks' airshow by having Mo-Lec-U-Lar masquerade as the Maraj.

32. Zeek's Power
No release date yet
Zeek talks the Orb into giving him the magical powers intended for a weakening Hotwing and heads to the casino.

31. Uncle Rattler
No release date yet
A snake-like criminal whose primary weapon is stun venom steals the SilverHawks' payroll before the Mob can get to it.

30. Countdown to Zero
No release date yet
Mon*Star sends Zero to infiltrate Automata and drain Monotone's computer memory.

29. Limbo Gold Rush
No release date yet
Space Bandit jumps a gold claim on Automata, setting off a fight between the Mob and the SilverHawks.

28. Music of the Spheres
No release date yet
The passage of Halley's Comet throws Limbo into chaos as the Mob tries to thwart Steelheart's plan to send the comet crashing through Brim*Star.

27. Match-Up
No release date yet
The Mob uses a tornado to rob a space freighter, but when Windhammer is captured he must face the robot Smiley in the boxing ring.

26. Small World
No release date yet
Hardware plots to steal Automata and tow it out of the SilverHawks' jurisdiction, unaware that a mechanical fault in the planet will cause an explosion that will destroy Limbo Galaxy.

25. The Renegade Hero
No release date yet
The Mob takes over Bedlam, and prepares to overthrow Limbo.

24. Burnout
No release date yet
Zero steals Professor Power's memory and takes over the artificial sun, which roasts HawkHaven when the doors jam.

23. The Diamond Stick-Pin
No release date yet
Hardware gives Zeek a diamond stick-pin containing a remote-controlled bomb.

22. The Bounty Hunter
No release date yet
The Mob breaks The Bounty Hunter out of prison, and sets this brain-draining vampire/mercenary on the SilverHawks.

21. Sneak Attack, Pt. 2
No release date yet
Mon*star seeks revenge on those who jailed him. Second of a two-part episode.

20. Fantascreen
No release date yet
Hardware devises a machine that can turn Silverhawks into mindless Mob slaves.

19. The Great Galaxy Race
No release date yet
The Mob challenges the SilverHawks to a long-distance race around the galaxy.

18. The Ghost Ship
No release date yet
Mon*star uses a Trojan Horse to get inside Silverhawk headquarters.

17. Window in Time
No release date yet
A time window allows Hardware to go back to the time on Earth when the SilverHawks are leaving for the Limbo Galaxy.

16. Junkyard Dog
No release date yet
Posing as a garbageman, Mo-Lec-U-Lar steals Stagazer's vital spare parts.

15. The Hardware Trap, Pt. 2
No release date yet
Quicksilver chases an escaped Hardware on a sabotaged Sprinthawk, unaware that his vehicle is rigged to explode. Second of a two-part episode.

14. The Chase
No release date yet
When Mo-Lec-U-Lar steals the key to Dolare's main vault, a wild chase ensues.

13. The Milk Run
No release date yet
Mon*star battles to get Melodia back as she's being transported to the Penal Planet by SilverHawks.

12. Zero the Memory Thief
No release date yet
The Silverhawks race to prevent the Mob from launching a Mega-Missile aimed at Earth.

11. Gold Shield
No release date yet
The Mob sets out to steal the Disintegrator, a weapon that makes inanimate objects fall apart.

10. Magnetic Attraction
No release date yet
Steelheart escorts a prisoner to the penal planet, but runs into Mon*star interference.

9. Super Birds
No release date yet
Mon*star orders Hardware to create a giant version of Sky-Shadow to destroy the SilverHawks.

8. Flashback
No release date yet
Far in the future, a fledgling SilverHawk asks an aged Commander Stargazer how the SilverHawks were destroyed.

7. The Backroom
No release date yet
The Stargazers investigate a Mob machine that has the power to destroy every planet of Limbo Galaxy.

6. Darkbird
No release date yet
A bandit who bears an uncanny resemblance to Quicksilver attacks the bank of Limbo.

5. Stop Timestopper
No release date yet
The Mob invites a boy with an impressive power - the ability to stop time - to join their rebellion.

4. Save the Sun
No release date yet
The mob takes control of Limbo's artificial sun, and the Silverhawks prepare to launch a counterattack.

3. Melodia's Siren Song
No release date yet
Quicksilver and Tally-Hawk race to rescue a hijacked freighter, but are forced to crash-land during a dust storm.

2. Gotbucks
No release date yet
Gotbuck, a security robot, tests the bank's defenses but the Mob abducts the android.

1. The Origin Story
No release date yet
When intergalactic criminal Mon*star breaks out of prison and is transformed into an android monster, Earth sends biomechanical androids called Silverhawks to fight him and his army of android monsters in Limbo Galaxy.