101. S3 Sneak Peek
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SHOOTER is back for Season 3, and the stakes are higher than ever. Get a first look with this special sneak peek.

13. Red Light
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As Atlas and Red Bama attempt to execute desperate missions, Bob Lee tries to reconnect with Julie while getting dragged back into the fight.

12. Patron Saint
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The U.S. president reaches out to Nadine and Harris for their assistance. Julie and Bob Lee have an emotional discussion. A new threat endangers D.C.

11. Family Fire
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As Julie tries to keep Mary safe, Bob Lee sets his sights on Brooks. Nadine and Isaac develop a plan involving an Atlas recruit.

10. Orientation Day
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A search for Carlita leads Bob Lee and Isaac to a remote Atlas outpost. Nadine and Harris put pressure on Brooks. Julie has an unsettling realization.

9. Alpha Dog
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Bob Lee's mission to track down Bama Jr. causes discord with Julie. Isaac and Nadine meet with the president's chief of staff.

8. The Red Badge
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Bob Lee and Julie discover what Red Jr. wanted from Sam. Red Sr. ends up in a tough spot. Carlita, Harris, Isaac and Nadine plot their next move.

7. Swing Vote
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Bob Lee and Isaac track down a key contact at a psychiatric facility. Memphis looks for evidence at Gregson's house. Red Jr. makes an offer to Sam.

6. Lines Crossed
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Bob Lee and Isaac visit a man who served with Earl in Vietnam. Nadine takes on a risky mission alone. Julie confronts the Bamas.

5. A Call To Arms
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A visit to an old friend of his father's leads Bob Lee back to D.C., where he connects with Isaac, Nadine and Harris for a mission at a formal event.

4. The Importance of Service
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Bob Lee pays a visit to the Pooles after hearing a new rumor, and Julie follows a lead of her own. Isaac and Nadine pursue an Atlas target.

3. Sins of the Father
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Harris gets on Bob Lee's nerves out on the road as they chase more leads. Nadine and Isaac locate a person of interest who may or may not be friendly.

2. Red Meat
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Determined to find the truth about his father's death in 1988, Bob Lee starts to investigate. Harris gets dragged into Isaac and Nadine's predicament.

1. Backroads
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Flashbacks to a childhood trauma plague Bob Lee as he's held hostage with Isaac and Julie in pursuit. Nadine confronts a corrupt senator.