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Where to watch "Mary & George"

7. Guerra

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George e Charles embarcam numa viagem monumental e histórica à Espanha, enquanto Mary toma uma atitude arriscada para garantir o poder absoluto.

6. A Rainha Está Morta

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George corre o risco de perder tudo enquanto tenta desesperadamente lidar com os assuntos de estado, enquanto Mary enfrenta consequências devastadoras quando comete um excesso.

5. A Cidade Dourada

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Uma crise política é desencadeada pelo retorno do lendário Sir Walter Raleigh, criando uma divisão entre Mary, George e Rei James.

4. O Lobo e o Cordeiro

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Mary enfrenta Lady Hatton, enquanto George encara uma viagem assustadora e perigosa à Escócia.

3. Not So Much by Love as by Awe

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After learning of Somerset's plot to humiliate George, Mary must find a way to overcome his machinations or risk losing everything.

2. The Hunt

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Mary resorts to drastic methods to earn George an opportunity to impress the king in which he must make every effort to prove himself a worthy contender and stand out from the crowd.

1. The Second Son

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Mary Villiers develops a cunning plan to transform her family's fate forever, but she must first convince her charismatic but disobedient son George to respond to the challenge of claiming his destiny.

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