5. Jackass - The Lost Tapes 5
No release date yet
skid row santa, poo on seat, skatewheel, dunn jumps on car, pontius the barbarian, steve-o stilt poop, urban sledding, sled drag behind car, raccoon urine, steve-o banana wake up, horse poo joust, lifeguard fall, bed wetter, white paint, shark hug, raab naked lawnmower, human urinal, bam car window, box downstairs

4. Jackass - The Lost Tapes 4
No release date yet
bear wrestling, ryan fall from dorm, snowman bloodbath animation, jogging tricycle, white trash joust, gladiator, dimitry poop, unicycle poo barf, johnny alligator, lake jump, human voodoo doll, fart restaurant guy, street soccer, bam pees down rail, devil in immigration, hockey fight, wee window spray

3. Jackass - The Lost Tapes 3
No release date yet
Strikingly similar to the lingering stench of an abused port-a-potty left to bake in the hot summer sun, it's the sorry excuse for a television show that simply refuses to give up the ghost.

2. Jackass - The Lost Tapes 2
No release date yet
pee pee wake up, football follies, gee shits on green, wee man oompa loompa, lombardi, eddie's auto, bam off roof, crawfish diaper, ehren antiques kosick, putt putt, human skatepark, emu hunter, milk challenge, steve-o van wake up, roller jump, raab naked biker, hand off, hot tub

1. Jackass - The Lost Tapes 1
No release date yet
Strikingly similar to the lingering stench of an abused port-a-potty left to bake in the hot summer sun, it's the sorry excuse for a television show that simply refuses to give up the ghost.