10. Revenge
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As the police close in, the endgame unfolds, culminating in an unexpected reunion, two fateful betrayals, a dramatic demise and a gang member cast adrift.

9. Dosh
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Fagin undertakes a new venture printing fake bank notes with a stolen money machine. However, this leads to a shocking betrayal - could this finally mean the gallows?

8. Carnival
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Shoddy travelling fair Rossini’s Carnival comes to town, creating an opportunity for someone to create a terrible predicament for Polly. Does she have what it takes to triumph?

7. Nancy
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Long-time gang member Nancy returns, seeking revenge and armed with an elaborate plan to steal Queen Victoria’s precious jewel, the Burmese Star.

6. Mummy
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A seemingly innocent Egyptian mummy unrolling event turns potentially deadly when Dodger is kidnapped. Will the gang make it in time to save him from a terrible fate?

5. Phantom
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Fagin’s gang fight to save Tang’s life, Dodger scores a leading role at a haunted theatre, and Polly strikes a questionable deal with the enemy.

4. Mudlarks
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Charley falls into the hands of the riverside-dwelling mudlarks and is sent on a dangerous mission by the truly terrifying Lucifer.

3. Imposter
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A new scam is afoot as Dodger disguises himself as a posh lost boy in order to get in with a well-to-do family, but will his conscience get the best of him?

2. Waxworks
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Gang member Tom returns to find his bed taken by the new boy, while a dangerous money-making opportunity arises at the unveiling of Madame Tussaud’s Queen Victoria waxwork.

1. Runaways
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Twelve-year-old orphan Jack Dawkins escapes a mill owner’s clutches. With the help of new friend Charley, they make it to London, where they first meet Fagin’s infamous gang.