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Where to watch "Cats 101"

4. Oriental Bicolor, Donskoy, Minskin, Javanese, Sokoke and Cats of the Web
2012 - Season 5
A particular kind of cat likes to eat at the table; a Russian breed helps people who suffer from cat allergens; the world's rarest feline breed.

3. Highlander, Arabian Mau, Khao Manee, European Shorthair, American Wirehair and Thai Cats
2012 - Season 5

2. Aegean, Skookum, Li Hua, Peterbald, Chantilly and Cats That Have Nine Lives
2012 - Season 5
The first domesticated felines; a cat co-hosts a radio talk show; the cat world's version of Shirley Temple; a cat travels the Italian coast.

1. Kurilian Bobtail, Chausie, Dwelf, Burmilla, Lambkin and a Klepto Cat
2012 - Season 5
A funeral parlor cat consoles bereaved visitors; a cat breed resembles a ''Star Wars'' character; felines with short legs.