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Where to watch "Beverly Hills, 90210"

313. Wehe dem, der's Happy-End verpennt!
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David überrascht Donna am Strand mit einer leidenschaftlichen Liebeserklärung. Das Verhältnis zwischen Steve und Janet wird immer angespannter. Kelly löst die Verlobung mit Matt, nachdem er ihr seinen Seitensprung gestanden hat.

312. Donna & David
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Die Radiomeldung, dass ein Surfer in Dylans bevorzugtem Surfgebiet verunglückt ist, bringt Kelly zu der Erkenntnis, dass sie für Dylan mehr als nur Freundschaft empfindet. David überrascht Donna mit einem Heiratsantrag.

310. www.donna-shop.com
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Donna bekommt ein Problem, denn ihr Website-Entwickler will mehr von ihr, als sie bereit ist zu geben. David hinterfragt seine Beziehung zu Camille, und Matt kann sich nicht entscheiden, ob er Kelly seinen Seitensprung beichten soll.

309. Was nützt dem toten Hasen Ostern?
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Matt versucht, seinen Seitensprung vor Kelly zu verbergen, doch Kelly hat bereits Verdacht geschöpft. Steve gerät in Panik, als der Dobermann von Janets Eltern mit dem toten Kaninchen der neuen Nachbarn auftaucht.

308. Schach-Matt
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Donna wird depressiv, als sie David und Camille in flagranti erwischt. Als PR-Agentin bringt Kelly zunächst die kleine Maddy und dann auch Steve in die Werbung. Doch beide Karrieren enden abrupt nach nur einem Tag.

306. Little Big Brother
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Dylan hat bei der Suche nach seinem totgeglaubten Vater Erfolg. Steves kleiner Bruder Ryan taucht während der Semesterferien überraschend in Beverly Hills auf: Er ist aus dem College geschmissen worden ...

304. Ich muss weg!
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Dr. Martin ist gestorben, und Felice macht Gina schwere Vorwürfe, dass sie mit ihrem Vater trainiert hat. Gina ist zutiefst getroffen, und als Dylan ihr den Vorschlag macht, aus L.A. wegzuziehen, stimmt sie zu.

302. Wir haben Noah ...
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Matts Bruder Patrick und dessen Frau fragen Matt, ob er Samenspender für sie sein möchte. Josie und ihr Bruder Shane bedrohen Noah. Sie entführen ihn, um ihn zu zwingen, das Geld aufzutreiben, das sie ihrem Lieferanten schulden.

300. Mein Geld anderer Leute
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Matt riskiert ein Berufsverbot, als er von dem Geld eines zukünftigen Mandanten einen wertvollen Verlobungsring für Kelly kauft. Noah begibt sich auf der Suche nach einer neuen Gefährtin in merkwürdige Kreise.

296. Ups, es kommt eine Schwester!
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Obwohl David erfahren hat, dass Gina seinen Vater erpresst und seiner Stiefmutter Mels Eskapaden verraten hat, kann er sich nicht von ihr trennen. Donna findet heraus, dass Gina nicht ihre Cousine, sondern ihre Stiefschwester ist.

295. Junge Gewalt, alter Hass
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Janet, die völlig überarbeitet ist, bittet Steve, die Hochzeit zu organisieren. Das Brautpaar schickt die Clique auf eine Schnitzeljagd, die am Ort ihrer Trauung enden soll. Gina und David helfen einem Straßenhund und landen im Bett.

294. Rosarote Augenblicke
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Steve wird die Entscheidung über den Verkauf seiner geliebten Corvette auf ziemlich drastische Weise abgenommen. Gina überrascht Dylan und Kelly in inniger Umarmung. Donna findet auf der Straße einen toten Mann und sucht dessen Angehörige.

292. Meine Mutter, die Lesbe
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Steve und Janet sind überrascht von den Reaktionen ihrer Eltern, nachdem sie diesen von Janets Schwangerschaft und der Hochzeit berichtet haben. Gina versucht, nach Ladenschluss im "After Dark" einen Stripclub aufzuziehen.

291. Janet & Steve
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Steve probt für seinen zweiten Heiratsantrag, damit er nicht wieder einen Korb bekommt. David plaudert in seiner Radioshow über sein erstes Date mit Robin und wird dafür von ihr in die Wüste geschickt.

290. Kleine Liebesteufel
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Steve versucht, sich bei Janet zu entschuldigen. Schließlich macht er ihr sogar einen Heiratsantrag. Kelly widerstrebt es immer noch, die Boutique zu betreten, in der sie ihren Vergewaltiger erschossen hat.

288. Früher war die Zukunft besser
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Die Liaison zwischen Janet und Steve bleibt nicht ohne Folgen. Janet erwartet ein Baby. Kelly, die wegen der Ermordung ihres Vergewaltigers festgenommen wird, stellt fest, dass sie für Dylan sehr viel mehr empfindet als Freundschaft.

27. Ode to Joy
2000 - Season 10
David expresses his feelings for Donna by writing her a giant love note in the sand. He is understanding about her reluctance to accept his proposal. He believes that she is having trouble reconciling her dreams of the perfect marriage with reality. A talk with Janet prompts Donna to realize that her expectations have been unreasonable. She tells David that she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Dylan graduates from California University. Matt considers moving to New York to help her sister-in-law raise his child (for whom he was the surrogate father). He declares that he will stay in Los Angeles for Kelly. Kelly, unable to fight her feelings for Dylan, calls off the engagement. Matt assumes that Dylan told her about his indiscretion in the desert. Kelly lashes out at Dylan for failing to disclose this information. Janet is distressed to learn that she must compete for the editorship of Nouveau, which Yoffe had led her to believe was already hers. She feels lef

26. The Penultimate
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David expresses his feelings for Donna by writing her a giant love note in the sand. Dylan graduates from California University. Matt considers moving to New York to help his sister-in-law raise her child.

25. Jeg Er Glad På Dine Vegne… Virkelig
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Camille vender tilbage til byen efter en lang ferie med håb om forsoning med David. Et anmeldt surf-uheld i Dylans område får Kelly til at lede efter ham, da hun tror at han kan være død.

24. Love Is Blind
2000 - Season 10
Donna is upset by her mother's decision to sell the house. David hangs out with her at the apartment, and they both fall asleep on the couch. Donna pulls away from a kiss because she doesn't want to risk their friendship by becoming romantically involved. Felice and the gang grant Donna's wish for one final Christmas at the house. Steve, Janet and Felice set up an unwitting Donna and David on a date. They finally decide to get back together, and share a passionate kiss. Kelly and Matt set an August wedding date. Dylan infuriates Kelly with his wedding gift, a trip around the world for two. Matt considers a job offer in Seattle, and Kelly agrees to go with him. Although he fails to get the job, Matt suggests that they move anyway. Dylan unsuccessfully pleads with Kelly for another chance at their relationship. A man offers to purchase the Beat for $750,000. Janet would continue to work at the paper, while Steve would stay home with Maddy. They decide to give this arrangement a trial run

23. And Don't Forget to Give Me Back My Black T-Shirt
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Mitch annoys Donna by trying to plan their entire relationship via an electronic organizer. Janet nixes Steve's plans to invest in Donna's site because of their limited finances.

22. The Easter Bunny
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Kelly grows suspicious of Matt's distant behavior. Camille tries to convince Donna to sell her clothing online. Steve and Janet fear that her parents' dog is to blame for the death of their snooty neighbors' pet rabbit.

21. Spring Fever
2000 - Season 10
Dylan and Matt go dirt biking for the weekend. They find that their campground is the site of a rave. Matt unwittingly drinks fruit juice that contains liquid acid. He gets very wild and winds up sleeping with one of the partygoers. Dylan advises him to keep the encounter a secret. A lonely Donna grows more jealous of David's relationship with Camille. She accidentally walks in on them having sex on the floor of the store. She freaks out and starts disinfecting everything in sight. Camille suspects that Donna wants David back. David tries to broach the subject with Donna; they reminisce, but do not disclose their feelings. Noah recognizes a bar customer as a woman from his A.A. group. He stops her from drinking, and they quickly make a connection. She feels threatened by Donna until Noah helps her obtain a full-time job. Kelly recommends Maddy for a sausage commercial. Janet neglects her work and becomes caught up in the idea of being a show biz parent. A change in the campaign causes

20. Ever Hear the One About the Exploding Father?
2000 - Season 10
Dylan orders his father to leave. He is angry with Kelly for going against his wishes by contacting Jack. Dylan storms out of another meeting with his father after learning that Jack told his wife everything else about his past without mentioning Dylan's existence. Jack decides to leave the Witness Protection program and move his family to Los Angeles. They believe that his testimony is long forgotten and that private security can protect them. Christine warns Dylan that two of Jack's enemies have discovered that he is alive and are planning on revenge. Dylan convinces Jack to stay in the program, and cannot bring himself to leave with him. A New York radio station offers David a job. David turns down the offer because he doesn't want to leave Donna. Kelly suspects that Donna is jealous of Camille. Donna denies this, but later confesses to Kelly that she is still in love with David. Steve becomes concerned when Noah gives Ryan a job at the After Dark. Noah warns Ryan not to follow in h

19. Jeg Vil Være Din Faderfigur
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Kelly og Matt hjælper Dylan med at finde sin far. Donna insisterer på at se efter Noah, mens han heler fra sine skader. Steves bror, Ryan, kommer på besøg. Kelly starter sit eget reklamefirma.

18. Eddie Waitkus
2000 - Season 10
During news coverage of an emergency landing at a Los Angeles airport, Dylan and Steve observe that one of the passengers looks exactly like Dylan's late father. Dylan, with some prompting from conspiracy theorist Steve, becomes convinced that his father is still alive. He grows even more suspicious after discovering that the storage locker with Jack's belongings has been ransacked. He goes to see Christine Pettit at the FBI and demands some answers. She agrees to investigate, but insists that the whole thing is just a coincidence. Although she urges Dylan to let it go, Kelly obtains a passenger list from the airline. Dylan notices that one of the passengers is named Eddie Waitkus. He explains to Steve that Waitkus was the real-life inspiration for ""The Natural,"" a story that was a favorite of baseball fanatics Dylan and Jack. Waitkus disappeared, only to suddenly resurface several years later. Dylan emphatically declares that Jack is alive. Donna gives up a chance at dating a nice guy

17. Doktor Martin
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Dr. Martin dør af et slagtilfælde. Kelly mener det er Ginas skyld, og det samme gør den sørgende Felice. David trøster Donna i hendes byrdefulde opgave. Kelly tager et reklamejob for at lette den økonomiske byrde, som Matts suspension har skabt.

16. The Final Proof
2000 - Season 10
Shane demands a one-million-dollar ransom from Dylan. Noah points out that it may have been smarter to kidnap someone whom Dylan actually likes. Dylan agrees to pay the ransom; but Shane kidnaps him with help from Josie, who had claimed to be unaware of her brother's whereabouts. Shane plans to kill Dylan and Noah because it couldn't get him into any more trouble than he already is. They escape while the kidnappers are filling up their van, and scuffle with Shane and his friend. Josie hands over her gun to Dylan because she doesn't want anyone to be murdered. She drops a lit cigarette, which ignites the overflowing gasoline. Although Dylan tells him to forget it, Noah retrieves the ransom money before the van explodes. The kidnappers get arrested. Dr. Martin invites Gina to dinner while Felice is out of town. Gina tries to bond with him, but is angry because he had not called her since Christmas. Dr. Martin visits Gina's hotel room and expresses a willingness to work things out. They e

15. Frugtbar Jord
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Matts bror og svigerinde beder Matt om at være deres surrogatfar. Gina får chancen for endnu et tv-job med hjælp fra Dylan.

14. I'm Using You 'Cause I Like You
2000 - Season 10
Matt violates his suspension by negotiating a settlement for a worker injured on the job, who would lose his right to file a complaint in two days. Matt sets up David on a date with an attorney friend who is on the ethics committee. David blabs about the case, and the woman warns Matt to cease his involvement or be reported to the bar association. Matt just laughs it off and continues his work, so Chrissy reports him. Matt's suspension is doubled, and David stops seeing Chrissy because he considers her a traitor. Kelly announces that she is quitting the store. Donna gets a date with a handsome man who turns out to be married. She and David decide to hang out together in their own ""losers' club."" Gina receives a spokesmodel offer after she and Dylan are pictured at a hot club in the society pages. Noah and his entourage leech off of Dylan and his money. Dylan objects when they do drugs in his limousine. Dylan and Gina get pulled over for speeding in the limo. The police find cocaine in

13. Fordærvet Kærlighed
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Matt kommer i stormvejr, da en kunde vil indgå forlig; han har allerede brugt mandens forskudshonorar på Kellys forlovelsesring.

12. Nine Yolks Whipped Lightly
1999 - Season 10
The Martins ask Gina to join them for Christmas. However, they refuse to allow her at their Christmas Eve party because they don't want to explain the situation to friends. Donna initially backs her parents, but skips the party to show Gina her support. Donna continually questions Noah about the car accident that killed his girlfriend. Noah finally breaks up with her, as he cannot bear to relive the tragedy. Donna bonds with Gina. Steve and Janet run into her parents at a tree lot. Janet invites them to dinner, where they behave coldly toward Steve and make a hasty exit. Steve warns the Sosnas to stay away from Madeline unless they are willing to accept her unconditionally. They show up at the house on Christmas night and give Steve and Janet their blessing. Dylan proves to be a bad influence on the children at the community center after he punches an angry neighbor. Matt asks Kelly to marry him. Dylan also expresses a desire to commit to her. Kelly doesn't choose herself this time; sh

11. Søskende Festivas
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Gina overvejer at forlade Los Angeles. Donna fortæller Gina sandheden og hendes herkomst. Matt er jaloux, da Dylan giver Kelly et maleri til 16.000 dollars. Kelly kræver, at Dylan enten forpligter sig for evigt eller lader hende være.

10. What's in a Name?
1999 - Season 10
Janet pulls through, but the baby suffers from lung problems. Doctors successfully intubate the child, and she is able to breathe on her own. Steve and Janet name their daughter Madeline. Donna confronts her father, who admits that Gina is his daughter. Felice has always known this, as Dr. Martin had a drunken one-night stand with her sister during the 1970s. Donna feels that her parents treated Gina unfairly by hiding the truth and failing to support her financially. She storms out during Thanksgiving dinner. Donna desperately wants to tell Gina that they are sisters. However, she holds off for the time being because she does not want to spoil Gina's memories of her late stepfather. Dylan convinces Kelly and her family to help with the charity Thanksgiving dinner he has organized. Matt accuses him of making a move on Kelly, so Dylan diminishes himself in her eyes by bailing out of his own event. Kelly tries to stop Jackie from trashing Mel in front of Erin. Music: ""I've Got You Under

9. Family Tree
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Steve and Janet endure various calamaties on their honeymoon. Just as they are beginning to have a good time, Janet goes into labor. Jackie seeks full custody of Erin, and David and Kelly try to keep their sister's spirits up.

8. Baby, You Can Drive My Car
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Janet begins to panic about wedding preparations. Steve suggests that they organize a scavenger hunt for their friends, with clues providing the location of a party. Gina freaks out when Dylan refuses to pull over and help a stray dog.

7. Lægger Rør
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Steve og Janet spørger, om Kelly og Dylan vil være gudmor og gudfar. Steve dropper at sælge sin Corvette for at købe en minivan. En sur Janet lader David sælge sin bil til en kvinde, som virker interesseret i ham.

6. '80s Night
1999 - Season 10
Joe Patch's parents visit Kelly and ask for her forgiveness. Matt tries to save a convicted rapist and murderer from the death penalty. Kelly is initially supportive, but changes her mind after hearing a description of the man's crimes. A meeting with the client's brother prompts Kelly to realize the anguish experienced by the families of criminals; she forgives Mr. and Mrs. Patch. She strongly objects when Matt appeals the judge's ruling against his client, and decides to stop seeing him for the time being. Donna wanders into the After Dark late at night and discovers the strip club. Gina recognizes David's father as one of the customers. She sneaks him out the back door when the police raid the club. Noah and Donna are among those arrested, as the cops mistake Donna for a prostitute. Dylan realizes that Gina was involved. She promises to stop lying to him, then immediately blackmails Mel. Dylan and Donna question David's on-air antics when he costs a listener his girlfriend. David ev

5. The Loo-Ouch
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Steve and Janet announce the pregnancy and engagement to her parents, who respond by calling Janet a disgrace. Matt and Noah each offer to move out so that Steve can move Janet and the baby into the house.

4. A Fine Mess
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Steve buys an engagement ring and practices proposals, often with Noah assuming the role of Janet. Dylan grows tired of living with Gina and suggests that she find her own place. David's radio show becomes popular due to his abrasive tactics.

3. Du Må Hellere Arbejde
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Steve fortæller Janet, at han ønsker at opfostre barnet med hende. Matt betaler Gina for hjælp til at forberede butikkens genåbning. California University afviser Dylans ansøgning, da den er uforskammet.

2. Let's Eat Cake
1999 - Season 10
Kelly and Donna invite Janet to move into the apartment. She tries to tell Steve that she is pregnant, but stops when he mistakenly assumes that she has gotten breast implants. When Janet finally reveals the truth, Steve becomes outraged that he had been kept in the dark for so long. He avoids Janet and whines about the situation to the other guys and Gina. Janet tells Steve that he can choose how much involvement he wants with the child; he is unsure of what to do. Kelly and the gang throw a surprise birthday party for David at the After Dark. The uninvited Gina foils their plans by slashing her own tire and calling David for help. After patching things up with David, Gina takes him to the club and drops him off without spoiling the surprise. A young woman whom Dylan knows from his years at the hotel gets busted for drug possession. He pays for her legal services, and encourages her to get clean and find some direction for her life. He agrees to return to college if she also enrolls.

1. The Phantom Menace
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Kelly is arrested and held overnight until the shooting is ruled a justifiable homicide. David asks Dylan to move out. Wayne annoys Donna with his cavalier attitude, particularly when he fails to show sensitivity toward Kelly.