26. Final Decision

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Our friends had forgotten to set the time of their watches. They all go the the Reform Club where a multitude of people are waiting for their arrival.

25. The Arrest of Willy Fog

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The "Henrietta" arrives to Liverpool. When our friends prepare to take the train Inspector Dix arrests Willy Fog as author of the robbery committed in the Bank of England.

24. Mutiny on the Henrietta

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Onboard the Henrietta, Willy Fog and his friends continue journey. Due to the lack of time they have to win the bet, Willy Fog makes the ship navigate a full speed.

23. Destination: New York

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Our friends are watching how the ship is leaving without them to Liverpool. They find the "Henrietta" which is ready to leave to Burgundy.

22. The Return of Rigodon

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Our friends are still in the Chicago station. They find a sleigh with a sail. Transfer steals a sleigh from a boy and follow Willy Fog.

21. A Very Special Train

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Princess Romy and Buly are at the Kiany station. All of the sudden Willy Fog and Dix appear followed by Rigodon and Tico. They decide to use a manual wagon to reach Omaha.

20. A Risky Decision

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Our friends continue journey remaining only 14 days to win the bet. Transfer hits the train engineer and drives the train at full speed.

19. The Stampede

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Our friends are on their way to New York. The train has to stop during 5 hours due to a buffalo herd.

18. On the Pacific Railway

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Willy Fog and his friends arrive to San Francisco. The sheriff takes them to the Consulate where their passports are sealed, then they go to the hotel to eat.

17. Voyage in a Balloon

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Willy Fog and his friends are arriving to San Francisco 2 days ahead, but Transfer burns the sails of the ship and it is taken by the current to Tijuana, Mexico.

16. Holiday in Hawaii

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Our friends continue journey onboard the "Captain Grant". They stop in the Sandwich Island. They meet a native called Mani.

15. Akita's Circus

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Rigodon and Tico arrive to Yokohama. Willy Fog and Princess Romy arrive in the "Captain Grant" to Yokohama.

14. Yokohama Bound

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Rigodon and Tico are in the Carnactic. Willy Fog and Princess Romy are still looking for them in Hong Kong.

13. Rigodon Swallows the Bait

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The Rangoon is in Hong Kong damaged. Rigodon and Tico find out that the Carnactic is still in Hong Kong. The ship will leave without Willy Fog.

12. Storm in the China Sea

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Willy Fog and his friends embark on the Rangoon to go to Hong Kong. They arrive to Singapur.

11. Rigodon's Derby

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The train arrives to Calcutta. A police arrests Willy Fog and takes him to court where a lot of priests are waiting.

10. A Present for Parsi

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Willy Fog and friends continue journey on the elephant. They arrive to the Allahabad train station.

9. Romy's Rescue

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Willy Fog and friends are looking at what's happening with the Princess. Dix, Buly and Parsi, meanwhile, are following the elephants track to try to find them.

8. Danger in the Jungle

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Willy Fog and his friends continue journey with the elephant, and Dix and Buly with Parsi continue the search.

7. The Express of Calcuta

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The train is running through the Indian Continent. Rigodon sees that the rails are not finished and they must find another form of transportation.

6. Adventure in the Pagoda

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The Mongolia arrives to Bombay. Transfer (disguised as Willy Fog) tells Rigodon that the train will be delayed one hour.

5. Willy Fog and the Ghost

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The Mongolia navigates in the Red Sea. Transfer disguises as Willy Fog to try to get in his bedroom and steal his money.

4. Wanted Willy Fog

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They get off on Suez but somebody steals their passports (Transfer). They get on camels to follow the thief. They all go back to the port and once again embark to Mongolia.

3. A Rough Trip

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Willy Fog, Rigodon and Tico arrive to Bridisi. Willy Fog and his companions embark on the Mongolia. Transfer, Inspector Dix and Buly also get on the ship.

2. The Departure

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Willy Fog and Rigodon and Tico arrive to the train station. Inspector Dix and his assistant Buly get on the train to follow Willy Fog as they believe he is the bank chief.

1. The Bet

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Willy Fog, in the Reform Club, makes a bet with his colleagues that he can make a trip around the world in 80 days, betting half of his fortune. He will leave that very same night.

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