The gang kicks off a marathon of movie torture with a suspiciously "E.T."-like flick featuring a homely baby alien with a serious soda habit.
This bro-tastic ripoff of Guillermo del Toro's "Pacific Rim" boasts cheesy dialogue, barely scientific mech suits and some very creative geography.
Jonah and the bots join the star-crossed crew of an undersea lab for a psychedelic late-'80s adventure that boggles the mind -- in all the worst ways.
As Jonah and pals suffer through endless stop-motion sci-fi mayhem in the California desert, an old acquaintance drops in on Kinga and Max.
Blood and betrayals abound in this messy Lee Majors horror movie featuring stolen jewels, piranhas and a tangled web of thieves.
After plunging the frazzled crew into a world of prophecies, gnarly spiders and scantily clad warriors, Kinga unveils her next diabolical plan.
After falling into a trap on the dark side of the moon, Jonah Heston befriends a trio of robots and braves a slime-spewing Danish monster flick.
Stock footage, a sketchy Bigfoot costume and creepy fits of laughter make this 1980s tale of boy, beast and park ranger ripe for wisecracks.
A botched experiment hurls a group of scientists into a bleak future full of mutants, androids and catty humans in this 1964 sci-fi romp.
While Jonah and crew dig into a schlocky ski-resort disaster flick starring Rock Hudson and Mia Farrow, Kinga connects with her long-distance lover.
Saddle up for a trip to a Mexican ranch with a nasty secret in this part-Western, part-monster movie that's all torture for Jonah and the bots.
Perms, skimpy battle outfits and cheap effects abound in this 1978 "Star Wars" knockoff with David Hasselhoff and Christopher Plummer.
A motley group aboard a German U-boat discovers an island full of ancient beasts and evolutionary mysteries in this blustery 1974 adventure.
The far-fetched fight scenes and tangled plot lines of this breathy Jayne Mansfield saga nudge Jonah and friends one step closer to the edge.
Rockets, quakes and reptiles, oh my! Jonah and the bots dive into a South Korean monster film that's long on rampages and short on sensible behavior.
A boy magician, a boozy hero and a furry ... something-or-other team up to save a kingdom from a nefarious sorcerer in this 1985 cheesefest.
The Mads turn up the heat with a sequel! This time, a has-been wizard and his gawky apprentice embark on their own mind-bending quest to quash evil.
Kinga drops a bombshell on Jonah before plunging him into a world of bare-chested carnies, talking chimps, brooding magicians and young love.
The gang gets in the holiday spirit with the tale of a plucky lawyer who sets out to save Santa Claus from the clutches of a spoilsport zillionaire.
While gearing up for his big day, Jonah joins Doug McClure for a wild drill ride down to a lava-licked world ruled by tyrannical, telepathic beasts.