In Nashville, a songwriter and his family plan to live a little in a luxe, light-filled micro home. The key is fitting in passions like a grand piano.
A night nurse dreams of going mobile in a mini home. Zack designs a unique loft so his wife can keep day hours and surprises the two with a party bar.
Having lost it all in a Sonoma wildfire, a volunteer firefighter and a chef get cooking again with a tiny abode kitted out for generous gatherings.
Two good Samaritans hope to house women in recovery in their old home. But a tiny lifestyle may challenge the tall pair -- and their love of lounging.
Tiny's the answer for a Florida family of four with a big mortgage. Zack amps up their home life with a rocking play area, treadmill space and a pool.
A converted school bus gives pig racers a step up from a semi in Arkansas. Zack helps them go hog-wild with a smart dining area and bathing retreat.
After losing her dream home, a Texas mom gets fired up to build two mini houses. But can double the tiny contain both her sons' hobbies and her shoes?
With a wedding and new job looming on the horizon, a couple's lofty ambitions put their love to the test as John and Zack rush to finish their home.
A dad aims to rebuild trust with his daughter by helping her construct a mini dream home. But her shoe collection might make it tough to go tiny.
A Florida coach and his wife downsize to up their game and send a child to college. Worries about a tight squeeze for the kids call for smart design.
In Hawaii, a pair yearns to live large and go tiny. But they must figure out the location, location, location and win over one steely critic: mom.
When empty nesters lose a dream rental, a tiny home looks like a solution. Now John and Zack must scramble to find room for their blended family.
A Texas family faces the music and culls its collections. Zackโs new spin on tiny design takes care of child safety and the DJ dadโs cherished vinyl.
Two overworked nurses aspire to a tiny lifestyle that will allow them to de-stress and entertain. Yet paring down the clutter poses a huge challenge.