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Where to watch "Astro-Küken im All (Kurzfilme)"

51. Episode 51
2019 - Season 1

50. Episode 50
2019 - Season 1

49. Episode 49
2019 - Season 1

48. Episode 48
2019 - Season 1

47. Episode 47
2019 - Season 1

46. Episode 46
2019 - Season 1

45. Episode 45
2019 - Season 1

44. Episode 44
2019 - Season 1

43. Episode 43
2019 - Season 1

42. Episode 42
2019 - Season 1
Finley can't stop learning. Will his brain explode?

41. Episode 41
2019 - Season 1

40. Episode 40
2019 - Season 1

39. Episode 39
2019 - Season 1

38. Episode 38
2019 - Season 1

37. Episode 37
2019 - Season 1

36. Episode 36
2019 - Season 1

35. Episode 35
2019 - Season 1

34. Episode 34
2019 - Season 1
Pipi creates a viral video sensation starring the chickens.

33. Episode 33
2019 - Season 1

32. Episode 32
2019 - Season 1

31. Episode 31
2019 - Season 1

30. Episode 30
2019 - Season 1

29. Episode 29
2018 - Season 1

28. Episode 28
2018 - Season 1

27. Episode 27
2018 - Season 1
An outbreak of beserkerbugs causes chaos aboard the academy.

26. Episode 26
2018 - Season 1
Glargg does empathy training and learns important lessons.

25. Chicken Out / Chicken Back Again
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After stealing his sibling's science project, and causing another argument, Chuck gets lost in space. On a mission to find new siblings, Chuck meets some familiar faces, but falls fowl of a team of bounty hunters. /Chuck convinces the bounty hunters to allow him join their ranks, but he finds himself in trouble when he learns who their real target is. They return to SLURP to track him down, when Chuck has a change of heart, deciding that he misses his siblings after all.

24. Ultimate Niven/ Camp Ghosty Pants
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Starley accidentally initiates AIIA's old challenge programme, forcing the cadets into a desperate race to capture the flag. Despite her rival Niven's competitive and brutal behaviour, Starley believes there's a kind soul behind the tough exterior. /On a camping trip, students begin mysteriously disappearing. Could it be the dreaded Harshmallow Shmamorfel as Starley would have everyone believe, or maybe it's something to do with Finley's latest invention designed to keep him safe from the outside world.

23. Bad Bad Bad / Snot Like This
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Chuck flees the academy in a fit of self-pity, only to find himself under the spell of the charming Sweet Skulls. Is Sweet Skulls really out to help Chuck get respect? Is he cut out to be a super villain? Or is Sweet Skulls using him for her evil plans? /A group of Hodorian's tries to kidnap Phil and free him from Barnetta. Starley is convinced that Phil and Barnetta belong together and when she discovers that the Hodorians are being controlled by parasites, she teams up with Barnetta to defeat them.

22. Personal Space Time / Chicken in the Egg
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As punishment for their latest scuffle, Niven and Chuck are sent out to collect space thrash. But Chuck sends them into the path of a huge yawning star that bends the flow of time. Now they must put aside their differences and work together to get back safely./When the chickens accidentally release a dangerously cute Emitefil from it's cage, it transforms Starley into a baby. Chuck and Finley must take care of a rampaging baby Starley while trying to track down the elusive Emitfil before Glargg realises what’s going on.

21. Who's Wearing the Coolpants / One of a Kind
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A heat wave blasts the academy and everyone is feeling the effects. Everyone except Finley that is, who has invented a pair of awesome Cool Pants to cool himself down. The pants quickly become a hot commodity, as there isn't enough cooling to go around. /The Intergalactic Council, seeing evidence of mistreatment on Chuck's vlog, decide to confiscate Glargg's beloved pet Blibli. He is distraught and without his authority, chaos ensues. The Chickens track down Blibli and find that the councillors are not what they seem

20. Secret Society of a Secret Thing / Quizardry
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Tired of being excluded from the weekly film screening, Chuck decides to set up his own gang with its own secret code. Soon the whole academy is in his thrall. But is there really a secret thing, and being the centre of all this attention really worth it? / Finley's new device turns his game avatars into mini lifelike replicas. When he combines the avatars with Achoo magic, he finds he can control his siblings using their avatars. Niven finds out and gets her own supersized avatar to take on the chickens.

19. The Good Guy Choice / Smells Like Chicken
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When Barnetta decides to extend her moral exam, the chickens don't know the difference between what's part of the test and reality. They have to make the right decisions to save their fellow cadets, ace the exam and put a stop to Barnetta's mad scheme to test everyone to their limit./Chuck has developed his own fragrance. But it's actually his nano atomised DNA and anyone effected will transform into a chicken. Niven has had enough and creates her own fragrance to counteract the chickens, turning everyone into Mutant space Blookens.

18. Presidential Coop / Pale Blue Rock
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It's time to elect a new student president, and although Glargg is more then happy to see Dwaqu relected, Chuck and Starley have different ideas. In order to be declared winner, the candidates must complete a series of increasingly silly and over the top challenges. /Starley fears AIIA is lonely so decides to help her make friends. A group of super cool sentient Space Rocks show up but soon start to cause trouble. AIIA suddenly loses her cool and takes the entire academy on araucous joyride through space.

17. Phil my heart / Blibli Squared
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After one too many arguments, Barnetta and Phil decide to separate. When Phil finds a new partner, Barnetta decides to join Glargg which turns out to be a troublesome combination. Seeing the ensuing drama, the Chickens decide to get Phil and Barnetta back together. /Finley's latest invention causes Blibli to multiply at an alarming rate. When Glargg finds out,he can't decide whether to be furious or delighted at the prospect of a super cute army of fluffy Bliblis. The rest of the academy aren't so enthusiastic.

16. No Brain No Pain / The Chicken Feed
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Faced with not being top student, Finley can't stop brain training. His brain expands, and he slowly starts to evolve his own language. If this keeps going he'll explode. Can Chuck and Starley act dumb enough to reverse Finley's brain power before it's too late? /Pipi decides to create her own viral video sensation, starring the chickens of course! But Starley becomes so popular it threatens the stability of the internet itself. Finley must free the chickens and harness Chuck's unpopularity to avert disaster.

15. Finley Cleanly / Beat Beat Chicken Chicken
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Finley insults Ommm's cleaning skills so they decid to trade places. When Finley learns thatbeing a janitor is hard work, he is forced to build a robot helper. But Jan-Tor is too good at cleaning and can't tell the Chickens from the rest of the trash. / Inspired by pop superstar Dorge Puuk, the chickens decide to form their own band. But when Chuck and Finley's selfishness threatens to tear the band apart, Starley discovers theUniversal Note, bringing fame and fortune within their grasp.

14. Chuck's First Command / Smartest Chicken in Town
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Chuck is failing ship’s captain's class when he discovers an abandoned vessel far out in space. If he can commandeer this ship, he can jump right to the captain's chair. All he need to do is convince the rest of the cadets to be his loyal crew and win the ultimate space battle. / Chuck is failing every subject, to Glargg's dismay. But when SLURP decide to cut their funding due to their academic success, Glargg realises that it will take some epic stupidity to return things to normal. If only he can find someone less smart than Chuck.

13. Cadet Clarkk / Stop Bugging Me
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Glargg loses his temper and as punishment Skyla orders him to take empathy training. So disguised as Clark, Glargg goes back to school where he quickly realises that making friends,keeping his temper in check and staying out of trouble is tougher than he imagined. /An outbreak of beserkerbugs causes chaos aboard the academy forcing AIIA to quarantine the dorm pods. This causes major headaches for the cadets, and Starley doesn't know if the trail of destruction she leaves behind her is her fault, or just those troublesome bugs.

12. Ommminious Foreshadowing / Draw Anything
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When Glarrg loses his voice, Ommm is forced to take over principle duties. But Ommm's predictions set off a chain reaction of bizarre incidents that threaten to reveal the deep shameful secrets of the entire academy, including Chucks most embarrassing secret. / Chuck discovers a magic pen of awesomeness that brings his drawings to life. But the pen is actually a dangerously powerful device with the power to take over it's owner. Can Chuck resist pen's power before it's too late and he opens a portal to another dimension.

11. All Flying and Chill / Jail Birds
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Skyla sends the chickens on a top secret mission to return a rare artefact to the planet of the Downyfluff. But they intend to use the artefact for their nefarious ends, and the chickens have no choice but to devolve in to rampaging dinosaurs to save the universe / After insulting a powerful alien race, Chuck and Starley are thrown in jail. Now Finley must overcome his reliance on technology and fear of public speaking to free his siblings. Meanwhile Starley and Chuck are adjusting to their new home aboard a prison ship

10. Alpha Chuck / Being Glargg
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By teleporting to another planet, Chuck creates a more handsome, intelligent clone of himself called Charles. Impressing all with his charm and generosity, he becomes more popular than Chuck, who sets out to prove that Charles is not all he claims to be. / Chuck falls into a normal looking dumpster that turns out to be a portal to Glarrg's mind. Now Chuck is in control. But without Glargg's discipline, chaos breaks out at the academy. Now Glargg, with the Chicken's help, must defeat his inner self and restore order.

9. Final Exam / Three Trippion Parsec Trip
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Chuck is so annoying he sends Humboldt into a deep stasis. Now AIIA steps in to take over teaching duties and anyone who doesn't pass the test will be ejected into the cold hard vacuum of space! It's up to Finley to use his powers to pull his fellow classmates through. / Glargg's vacation plans are foiled when the chickens stow away onboard his ship. When they think things can't get any worse, Finley and Glargg are transported to a strange planet where they must work together to survive as Chuck and Starley find a way to save them.

8. Floofy Flibby Kiss Kiss / You Snooze You Cruise
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Floofy Flibby Kiss Kiss is the latest gaming craze. When Finley's "butt-faced-Glargg" drawings end up on Glargg's desk, he tricks his siblings into saving him from detention. It's a good thing Glargg is too busy trying to get to the final level himself / Someone has been taking Megalargg for a joyride and the Chickens decide to investigate. When security footage shows Chuck expertly piloting the Megalrgg, we know something is amiss. It's as if a skilled pilot has taken over Chucks body and is using him as a vessel!

7. Poor Dweezil / Food Fight
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When Dweezil's long lost aunt Altera inherits his family's fortune he is forced to share a pod with the Chickens. But Starley's suspicious are quickly aroused and she leads them on a mission to uncover the secret behind this mysterious new Aunt Altera. / Panic strikes the academy as the food replicators go down. But when the cadets discover Chuck's got his own backup replicator, he suddenly finds himself the centre of attention. Chuck leads the cadets, now crazy from hunger, on a wild chase through the academy.

6. Idol Idles / Try Not to Laugh
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Chuck takes Hugo's admiration for granted and when Ainta wows everyone with his awesome pranks, Hugo becomes obsessed with him. But it's up to Chuck to save the day when Hugo decides to create the ultimate prank to win over his new best bud / When Starley takes pity on a pet mushroom, she triggers an outbreak of spores causing those effected to become allergic to laughter. Now if anyone laughs too much, their heads could pop! Starley must save the cadets while Finley and Chuck deal with a surprise Slurrp inspection.

5. Friendchip / Freezing Awesome
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When Narcy forgets their "friendaversary", Starley searches for a new best friend. When she reprograms an old Killbot robot called Wendy to be the perfect BFF, It's up to Narcy and Starley to join forces to stop Wendy from destroying the academy / Finley decides to create the ultimate time freezing device in order to get his name on the Wall of Universally Super Students. But Finley's obsession with freezing time causes serious damage to AIIA's core and It's up to his lab partner Adele to save the entire academy from destruction.

4. Green Eyed Monster / I Believe I Can Fly
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After an argument with his siblings, Finley is pleased to discover his intellectual equal in new student, Adélé. However Chuck, smitten with Adélé, is overcome with jealousy to see the two of them grow closer / Starley struggles to control her emotions as she yearns to fly. Will the mysterious Supreme Chickeness help or hinder her quest? And can her brothers steer her clear of trouble?

3. Players Gotta Play / Atori
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The chicken-helmed "school play" about Glargg's battle days starts an intergalactic war with The Beige. Can Glargg, Chuck, Finley and Starley achieve peace before its too late? /The Chickens need to raise money to replace a fleet of ships they accidentially lost, so they take up a gig as bounty hunters. Their first target is Atori, renowned criminal mastermind

2. Best Pal / The Egg
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Chuck plays on Finley's insecurities: is PAL 9000 really his friend if he has no choice? To win this petty argument, Finley gives PAL 9000 free will, and it changes the dynamic of their relationship / Starley hatches and egg that reveals a terrifying Xenomorph, who she calls her sister and lovingly names Clucky. When Clucky runs off, Starley runs after her, leaving Chuck and Finley in a state of panic.

1. Trolling Thrognak / Bliblisitting
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Chuck inadvertently incites an intergalactic space battle between the Slurp Academy and the Horde of Darkness. The situation escalates into Glargg's stomach and it's up to the Chickens to clean up their mess and save the day / Principle Glargg entrusts Starley with his beloved pet Blibli whilst he is away from the Academy. However, when Starley leaves Blibli alone with Chuck and Finley for a moment, she drops to the ground... is Blibli dead? How are they going to explain this to Glargg?